Hi Michal and Björne
As we talked to day regarding the DCN design I have now drawn an alternative DCN to show how we would like to
have the DCN.
Only one ospf area
No Layer2 loops
It ended up with three more broadcasts domains.
The suggestion needs two more OSCM cards than the original design one i Malmö and one in Rätan both has 9RU
shelfs so I guess they would fit.
With some more thoughts it would probably be possible to design it so that it could be divided into two ospf
areas, without l2 loops. But we prefer to have every thing i area 0.
Would it be possible to build like this and would it have any draw backs?
1. På kartan från site planner så finns det en site (Nybro) mellan Kalmar och Berkvara som inte finns i på
den sträckan.
2. Lobonäs mellan Furudal och Laforsen saknas.