Hi Magnus, Bjoern,
Please see attached detail diagram of Sunet DCN.
Tomorrow I will discuss with Torbjorn what would be the best approach to connect router in
both Stockholm nodes.
I'm sorry that it took longer than I anticipated.
-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Bergroth [mailto:bergroth at
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 4:57 PM
To: Michał Szpilewicz <MSzpilewicz at advaoptical.com>
Cc: "Björn Lindman (bjorn.lindman at ipnett.com)" <bjorn.lindman at
ipnett.com>; Magnus Bergroth (bergroth at sunet.se) <bergroth at sunet.se>; Ari
Salomaa <ASalomaa at advaoptical.com>; Torbjörn Rium <trium at
advaoptical.com>; Christiane Hack <CHack at advaoptical.com>; Stefan Josefsson
<stefan.josefsson at ipnett.com>; sunetc-teknik at lists.sunet.se
Subject: Re: Sunet Adva DCN
Yes, it has potential to work.
Michał Szpilewicz wrote:
Hi Magnus,
Do you think that attached DCN overview is better?