So here's the next question, related to passing unmodified assertions from SATOSA to a SP, specifically COmanage and Shibboleth: What's the right way to bypass the scope checks Shibboleth usually performs on ePPN/ePTID/ePUID? I'm using the following PrimaryIdentifier configuration:
module: primary_identifier.PrimaryIdentifier
name: PrimaryIdentifier
## look for identifiers in this order (first match wins)
- attribute_names:
- epuid
- attribute_names:
- eppn
- name_id
name_id_format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent
- attribute_names:
- eppn
- edupersontargetedid
- attribute_names:
- eppn
- add_scope: issuer_entityid
- name_id
name_id_format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent
- add_scope: issuer_entityid
- edupersontargetedid
Best wishes,
"The lyf so short, the craft so longe to lerne."
> So here's the next question, related to passing unmodified assertions
> from SATOSA to a SP, specifically COmanage and Shibboleth: What's the
> right way to bypass the scope checks Shibboleth usually performs on
I'd like to add that I tried the following:
- removed the Scope element from the SATOSA IdP metadata
- changed the attribute mappings in Shibboleth to use StringAttributeDecoder instead of ScopedAttributeDecoder
- both of the above together
Shibboleth logs the following:
2018-04-09 21:14:07 WARN Shibboleth.AttributeFilter [2]: removed value at position (0) of attribute (eppn) from (
2018-04-09 21:14:07 WARN Shibboleth.AttributeFilter [2]: no values left, removing attribute (eppn) from (
Best wishes,
"The lyf so short, the craft so longe to lerne."
Dear all,
I need help understanding why SATOSA isn't passing the IdP assertions
through to an SP. SATOSA sends it a successful authentication response,
but it's devoid of any attributes.
I know that SATOSA gets the right assertion from the IdP because there's
a "backend received attributes" log entry that includes the expected
I see that the PrimaryIdentifier plugin correctly identifies the ePPN
because there's a "PRIMARY_IDENTIFIER: Setting attribute uid" log entry.
I also see the LdapAttributeStore plugin skip processing, as expected.
But when SATOSA routes the request to the Saml2IDP frontend, it logs the
Filter: []
returning attributes {}
And then the SAML response doesn't include any attributes.
Here's my complete configuration except for passwords and keying
What am I missing?
Best wishes,
"The lyf so short, the craft so longe to lerne."
I have a SATOSA use case where the SAML SP that is receiving the
assertion from the SATOSA IdP needs to consume a NameID with format
with a particular (non-standard) value.
Has anyone done this with SATOSA? If so, my questions are:
1) What is required for the SAML2 frontend configuration?
2) What is required for the metadata of the consuming SP?
3) What do I need to do, say in a microservice, to populate the value?
If the 'unspecified' format is not possible, I might also be able to
leverage the format
Has anyone used that format for the NameID asserted to the consuming
I wrote:
> I have an instance of SATOSA deployed using mod_wsgi. The BASE
> variable in proxy_conf.yaml is set to something like
> ``. Everything works until my
> test IdP returns the SAML authentication response to SATOSA at
> ``, where it
> returns a 404 error.
SATOSA's URL routing code constructs regular expressions in ways that assume BASE is just a hostname, like this:
Since I want to co-locate SATOSA with COmanage Registry on the same virtual host in this particular deployment, I used WSGIScriptAliasMatch to bypass non-SATOSA URLs:
WSGIScriptAliasMatch ^/(?!(Shibboleth\.sso|registry|img|css|js|favicon.ico|error.html)) /opt/satosa/lib/python3.6/site-packages/satosa/
Best wishes,
"The lyf so short, the craft so longe to lerne."
Hey everyone,
This isn't a "how does it work" question but rather "it's broke and I
don't know why". Please let me know if this is off-topic here.
I have an instance of SATOSA deployed using mod_wsgi. The BASE variable
in proxy_conf.yaml is set to something like
``. Everything works until my test
IdP returns the SAML authentication response to SATOSA at
``, where it returns
a 404 error. In the logs, I see the following:
[Thu Feb 22 16:47:49.219942 2018] [wsgi:error] [pid 9824] [remote ...]
[2018-02-22 16:47:49,219] [DEBUG] [satosa.proxy_server]: unpack_post::
{'RelayState': '...', 'SAMLResponse': '...'
[Thu Feb 22 16:47:49.231630 2018] [wsgi:error] [pid 9824] [remote ...]
[2018-02-22 16:47:49,231] [DEBUG] [satosa.state]:
[urn:uuid:3bb9c05d-b665-4c23-9a89-8affc05d4574] Loading state from
cookie: SATOSA_STATE='...'; ...
[Thu Feb 22 16:47:49.231816 2018] [wsgi:error] [pid 9824] [remote] [2018-02-22 16:47:49,231] [DEBUG] [satosa.routing]:
[urn:uuid:3bb9c05d-b665-4c23-9a89-8affc05d4574] Routing path:
What am I missing? How do I go about troubleshooting this further?
Best wishes,
"The lyf so short, the craft so longe to lerne."
Oh, sorry my reply only went to Janusz.
But while letting all you others also see my answer I’d like to add that I’d like to
rewrite the OIDC frontend to SATOSA.
It’s now base on pyOP which not readily extensible.
I’d rather use the pyoidc next generation now being worked on
(you can find it as oicmsg, oiccli and oicrp on
If we where to switch to nextgen, adding support for PKCE to SATOSA would just be
There are still some work needed on nextgen, so no change in the near future.
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Roland Hedberg <roland at>
> Subject: Re: [satosa-users] PKCE support
> Date: 1 December 2017 at 19:51:29 CET
> To: Janusz Ulanowski <janusz.ulanowski at>
>> On 1 Dec 2017, at 15:59, Janusz Ulanowski <janusz.ulanowski at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just curious. Will be PKCE supported in oidc-frontend?
> If it’s not there right now it will be added.
> pyoidc has support for it so it should not be that hard.
> — Roland
We have to send asssertions with emailAddress nameids. This is for a saml
frontend and oidc backend. For now I'm using local patched code, but I'd
prefer to not do that.
I see a pull request (#137) that suggests it would provide the capability.
It seems to be inactive. Is there any chance of it getting merged?
Jim Fox
Univ. of Washington