Hello everyone,
I am reaching out to you as we are preparing our deliverable 5.3 and we
are still missing data and clarification on Y2 interventions to complete
the analysis.
Please fill in ALL columns of the excel file
as soon as possible. We have highlighted in red the information that is
either missing or not the same in the excel file and the corresponding
school context overview. Could you please crosscheck and make sure that
the information in the columns N O P Q T is the same as what is
mentioned in the school context overview and in the activity plan for
each of the interventions? Could you also add the number of groups in
each intervention and the information needed in columns X Y Z AA AB AC AD?
It is important to have this as soon as possible as we need to complete
the deliverable by next Friday in order to proceed with the review.
Please let me know when you have gone through this so that we can
include them in the deliverable.
Thank you in advance,
Dear All,
I hope you are keeping well.
After some iterations, finally, we came up with two short videos: 1. gives an overview of the Exten.(D.T.)2 project and 2. Invites teacher to the professional development activity developed in our project.
We have uploaded them on our YouTube channel<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf5hTi82TXaL01pSAGnq6Dg> and also shared the links to the videos on our sites. You can find them on the following pages:
Video Link 1 : https://extendt2.eu/about-the-project/
Video Link 2: https://extendt2.eu/call-for-teachers/
Note: we could not use some of the pictures that some of you have sent to us lately. Because considering the quality, the images of the activity implementation we have collected contrast significantly with the paid images we have on the video, and equally, having blur faces on the pictures may diminish the quality of the videos.
This is a place server.
The dates are still subject to confirmation from TCD who are checking out logistics etc.
Note: The meeting may be lunch to lunch over these dates, or between 2-3 days.
For info
Br, Shamim
From: FUENTES MATEOS Angel <Angel.FUENTES-MATEOS(a)ec.europa.eu>
Date: Monday, 10 June 2024 at 10:20
To: Marcelo Milrad <marcelo.milrad(a)lnu.se>, Gerardo Herrera Gutiérrez <gerardo.herrera(a)uv.es>, Καρακαπιλίδης Νίκος <karacap(a)upatras.gr>, Inmaculada Remolar Quintana <remolar(a)uji.es>, Garofalakis George <GarofalakisG(a)unisystems.eu>, Shamim Patel <shamim.patel(a)lnu.se>, "Marcos.Fernandez(a)uv.es" <Marcos.Fernandez(a)uv.es>, Ziaul Haque Munim <Ziaul.H.Munim(a)usn.no>, "Schramm, Hans-Joachim" <Hans-Joachim.Schramm(a)wu.ac.at>, Ruben García Vidal <vidalr(a)uji.es>, Tore Guneriussen <tore.guneriussen(a)uit.no>, i-MASTER <i-master(a)nt.uit.no>, Christothea Herodotou <christothea.herodotou(a)open.ac.uk>, Tae Eun Kim <tae.e.kim(a)uit.no>, "Taskforce(a)kt4democracy.eu" <Taskforce(a)kt4democracy.eu>, Jessica Sutherland <jsutherland.philosophy(a)hotmail.com>, "Neighbors, Dustin" <dustin.neighbors(a)helsinki.fi>, MARTIN GALAN Rodrigo <Rodrigo.MARTIN-GALAN(a)ec.europa.eu>, Henrik Engell-Hedager <he.research(a)cbs.dk>, RAISANEN Henna <Henna.RAISANEN(a)ec.europa.eu>, "Räisänen, Riikka H" <riikka.raisanen(a)helsinki.fi>, Julie De Groot <julie.degroot(a)uantwerpen.be>, Bert De Munck <bert.demunck(a)uantwerpen.be>, Xenophon Zabulis <zabulis(a)ics.forth.gr>, Marta Gasparin <mga.bhl(a)cbs.dk>
Cc: Sotiris Manitsaris <sotiris.manitsaris(a)mines-paristech.fr>, Xenophon Zabulis <zabulis(a)ics.forth.gr>, Nikolaos Partarakis <partarak(a)ics.forth.gr>
Subject: "How can industries operate through AI ACT?", Mines Paris 13-14 June
Dear all,
Please see below information on this symposium on the AI Act that is available online and for free. One of our projects, Craeft, is involved.
From: Sotiris Manitsaris <sotiris.manitsaris(a)mines-paristech.fr>
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2024 7:10 PM
To: FUENTES MATEOS Angel (REA) <Angel.FUENTES-MATEOS(a)ec.europa.eu>
Cc: Xenophon Zabulis <zabulis(a)ics.forth.gr>; Nikolaos Partarakis <partarak(a)ics.forth.gr>
Subject: "How can industries operate through AI ACT?", Mines Paris
Dear Angel,
I hope you are doing well.
I would like to share with you the information about our Symposium on « How can industries operate through AI ACT? » : https://my.weezevent.com/how-can-industries-operate-through-ai-act<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/my.weezevent.com/how-can-industries-oper…>
The Symposium is articulated around 3 big questions that will be addressed by our panel of international experts, including the OECD:
1. How will AI ACT emerge and affect the industrial sector?
2. Manual jobs: what is their future through AI?
3. Can AI ACT be harmful for creative industries? How can they adapt and adjust?
We put a special focus on manual jobs, crafts and creative industries in general.
Please find attached a nearly final programme of our Symposium.
Please do not hesitate to share the information about the event.
Have a nice week-end.
Best regards,
[Image removed by sender. Logo Mines Paris - PSL]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.minesparis.psl.eu__;!!DOxrgLBm!D59uR…>
Dr. Sotiris Manitsaris
Centre for Robotics | Deputy Director
Mines Paris | PSL Université
60 boulevard Saint-Michel 75272 PARIS Cedex 06
[Image removed by sender. ORCID logo] [Image removed by sender. How to Add LinkedIn to Your Email Signature: A Comprehensive Guide] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.linkedin.com/in/sotirismanitsaris/__…> [Image removed by sender.]
Dear All,
Finally, the Exten.(D.T.)2 Newsletter, May Issue is out. I would like to thank everyone for your contribution. You can find the newsletter on our site and the direct link to it is: https://extendt2.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/extenDT2-newsletter-May-2024…. Please, feel free to circulate it to your relevant network.
Dear All
Attached are the draft minutes from our 2-day meeting at the Open University with all relevant links to presentations, URLs, etc.
Please review these when you have time: in particular the Day 2 WP Presentations for progress and upcoming activities (as there was limited time to go into these in depth).
If you have any requests for changes, please let me have them by COB next Wednesday, 15 May.
Note: It is a long Bank Holiday weekend for many of us in Central Europe including Sweden.
For info: Most of us from LNU will not be available tomorrow and Friday (tomorrow being Ascension Day, and Friday being a Sandwich Day).
Marcelo and I wish you all a good few days off, whether it is from tomorrow or Friday.
Best regards
Shamim Patel (ACA)
Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project
Linnæus University
Office of External Relations
SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden
M: +46 (0)705 898396 | lnu.se<https://lnu.se/en/>
Dear All
I hope you have had a good start to the week.
Please find attached:
* signed Attendance Lists of all three meeting days
* the agenda for the two-day meeting at OU
* the agenda the one-day M18 review at UCL
For any future administration or financial reference, they can further be downloaded from our Google Drive Folder here<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kmt1KH9RCnpIh9i7Ldio6DWK-PTHPmE2?us…>.
Best regards
Shamim Patel (ACA)
Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project
Linnæus University
Office of External Relations
SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden
M: +46 (0)705 898396 | lnu.se<https://lnu.se/en/>
Dear All
Agendas and Meeting Locations
* The final agendas for the meetings at OU in Milton Keynes and the M18 review are attached. These include dial in details for those joining by Teams.
* The venue locations can also be found on the agendas.
* OU will kindly print a copy of these out for each of us attending so you do not need to this.
Evening Meal on Thursday
* If you are attending physically, please don’t forget to let Hannah know of your meal and drink preferences for both next Wednesday and Thursday night (see separate emails by Hannah yesterday and today)
Google Folder Links with All Info
* The Google folder for the OU Meeting at MK is here<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lv2kUUzksjN6MAb38kE7Q1x7NLq6BZKw?us…> including the logistics welcome brochure<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1npc3jzp-zj39VOD_HAbXmuLG5SNZ2cj_/edit?u…> (also attached)
* The Google Folder for the M18 Folder incl ppt presentations<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/108C0u-3z807wBwHVAUUfYpqPD0pscqSX?us…> and the M18 draft report subm14tted to the EC experts<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j82NHwE7UveucX3JLvQ7nw4lbwoUyYFp/view?usp=…> are linked too.
* I will not be contactable on Monday 15 April , but will try to get back to you if you have any queries for me on Tuesday.
* You are also welcome to contact Hannah, Matt or Thea from the OU if you have any logistics Qs or require any further information. All three are super helpful.
Hope you all have a good w/e
Safe travels to everyone attending and looking forward to seeing many of you next week.
Best regards
Shamim Patel (ACA)
Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project
Linnæus University
Office of External Relations
SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden
M: +46 (0)705 898396 | lnu.se<https://lnu.se/en/>
Dear All
Fyi: this is what was sent to our PO and the Experts yesterday morning.
As you can see we also invited both Davinia and Markus to the evening meal on Thursday in London. Davinia’s plane lands late so she will not be able to join .
We will let you know if Markus is able to join next week, whilst at OU.
Best regards, Shamim
From: Shamim Patel <shamim.patel(a)lnu.se>
Date: Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 08:28
To: FUENTES MATEOS Angel <Angel.FUENTES-MATEOS(a)ec.europa.eu>, "davinia.hernandez-leo(a)upf.edu" <davinia.hernandez-leo(a)upf.edu>, "vincze(a)acin.tuwien.ac.at" <vincze(a)acin.tuwien.ac.at>
Cc: Marcelo Milrad <marcelo.milrad(a)lnu.se>
Subject: Exten.(D.T.)2_PR1 draft Report for EC Experts (M18 Review 19 April 2024)
Dear Angel, dear Davinia, dear Markus,
Please find attached the draft P1 Report for the M18 Review. The final version is due by 29 April.
Below are also 3 links for introduction videos (< 2mins each) of the Year 1 Technologies used in the Pilots. These are before the work on the extensions funded by the project.
These videos were created (amongst others) as supporting material for teachers and students in the context of WP3. It may be helpful for you to view these before the review.
* MaLT2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vUnTHJH8Dqy3ypJ7w6tv546nVPc7fir9/view?usp=…
* SorBET: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pN-MFHNSAhdQqhA3qUtFsSjsgKCF2ET0/view?usp=…
* ChoiCo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1My5yw6v4pyWHCDC8dspn080Z_SH5FHMl/view?usp=…
I will come back either later today or tomorrow with the final agenda for 19th April and an invitation for Davinia and Markus to join us for a working dinner on Thursday 18th April in London (if available to do so)
Note: The timings will not change on the agenda previously sent, but a link will be added for you to join us on-line (Angel).
If any of you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Prof. Marcelo Milrad, the Lead PI, who is cc’ed on this email
Kind regards,
Shamim Patel (ACA)
Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project
Linnæus University
Office of External Relations
SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden
M: +46 (0)705 898396 | lnu.se<https://lnu.se/en/>