*Idpy meeting 11 June 2024*
Attendees: Johan L, Shayna, Ivan
0 - Agenda bash
1 - Project review
a. General -
b. OIDC libraries -
https://github.com/IdentityPython (idpy-oidc,
JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
- Roland has opened an PR - it fails one of the tests
- A claim that is expected to be returned is not coming back
- Not understanding why this is happening
- Is the test actually a requirement of the spec, or just
something the test assumed would be there?
- This PR addressed changes required to align with the PAR (Pull
Authorization request) rfc
- RAR (Rich Authorization request) allows you to define more
things happening during the authorization phase
- Have pinged Roland but haven't heard back. If Ivan has time he
can also look into this.
- New PR -
- Allowing variable ports for native oidc clients or RPs when the
redirect uri is the literal localhost - the actual IP ( IPv4 or IPv6 ::1 / 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1)
- spec says native clients, when they start an authorization flow,
they do this through the loopback interface and bind to
/ ::1 and can use any port available. The port is decided
directly by the
platform and the client does not have control of that.
- requests are forwarded to the auth server with the port assigned
by the system
- This PR allows variable port exception for native clients
- introduces checks around redirect uris - they become part of the
location header - they are URLs and not uris. They can have
other schemes.
The python library doesn't do certain validations so they
have to be done
manually around this uri (which is a URL) - scheme:
path/domain/valid port.
- This PR bound to http URLs
- There is further work to be done to filter out certain schemes
for the redirect uri that wouldn't make sense in this case
and could be
dangerous. Ivan will make an issue for this.
c. Satosa -
- Ivan is supposed to create a new release-hasn't done yet.
- Matthew needs to update image around missing SAMLtest ID - he's
probably waiting for Ivan's new release
- updates on pyop to start deprecating-
https://github.com/IdentityPython/pyop/pull/55 -
- pyop provides interfaces that are useful also for SATOSA.
Support was added in pyop for stateless flows - all the
state kept in
tokens. There are limitations to this - there is a size
limit - but it does
allow no need for a db and keeping state. Another drawback
is you can't
tell when token has been revoked.
- when the code was introduced it broke another part, having to
do with the claims from the user info endpoint.
- Fix is to bring back the old flow and make an exception when
in the stateless mode.
- this MR will be merged and new pyop released but really pyop
should be deprecated. There should be amendments to the
Readme pushing
people toward idpy-oidc. Already have a SATOSA backend
using idpy-oidc.
Don't have support for a frontend using idpy-oidc. There
is the work
Giuseppe has done which we already point to. We are not
removing pyop but
saying that the focus is somewhere else.
d. pySAML2 -
- Johan's PR -
- Big divide in security domain
- make things configurable - this is what xml dsig/encryption is
about - but as you interoperate with others it makes
updating difficult.
- OR everything should be pinned down to very specific things -
no random lengths of keys, no random types of keys, no
random algorithms
etc. Everything is specified and there is only one way to
do things. If you
pick the right things, you are future-proof. This is what
signal is about.
- Add xenc schema 11 to code base.
- pysaml2 added support for xmlsec binary
- frederik's MR about typing is related to this -
- Ivan will merge Johan's PR (964 - need to also check whether
anything is needed to support newer version of xmlsec1) and
make a release,
then merge PR 897 to unblock Johan, then get back to 961
adding support for
xmlsec module
- Also need to make sure xmlsec module doesn't need lxml
- a few annoying things: xmlsec module defines its own types for
handling keys and certificates, then there is another type we
define based
on pyOpenSSL, then there is another type from
pyca/cryptography - just keep
having to convert from one type to another.
- xmlsec1 - C libraries - had to provide specific constraints to
restrict xmlsec from going out to the web to fetch keys or metadata or
other interfaces to do calculations. Ivan is pretty sure
xmlsec module is
doing the same thing,
- also would use signing key from within the SAML response itself
instead of key extracted from the metadata
- We have tests for the binary - make sure they also work with
xmlsec module, then limit functions in code
e. Any other project (pyFF, djangosaml2, pyMDOC-CBOR, etc)
- work on pyff around supporting trustinfo elements - spec stems from
seamlessaccess - they indicate certain IdPs are preferred over the rest -
you can say you only want to select from those - they can be
highlighted or
ranked first, for example. There can be complex rules indicating
of sets based on assertion authorities or other things.
2 - AOB
- Ivan will be away 25 June. Will check with Roland for his availability
and determine if meeting will happen.