Idpy meeting 11 June 2024
Attendees: Johan L, Shayna, Ivan
0 - Agenda bash
1 - Project review
a. General -
Big divide in security domain
make things configurable - this is what xml dsig/encryption is about - but as you interoperate with others it makes updating difficult.
OR everything should be pinned down to very specific things - no random lengths of keys, no random types of keys, no random algorithms etc. Everything is specified and there is only one way to do things. If you pick the right things, you are future-proof. This is what signal is about.
Add xenc schema 11 to code base.
pysaml2 added support for xmlsec binary
Ivan will merge Johan's PR (964 - need to also check whether anything is needed to support newer version of xmlsec1) and make a release, then merge PR 897 to unblock Johan, then get back to 961 adding support for xmlsec module need to make sure xmlsec module doesn't need lxml
a few annoying things: xmlsec module defines its own types for handling keys and certificates, then there is another type we define based on pyOpenSSL, then there is another type from pyca/cryptography - just keep having to convert from one type to another.
xmlsec1 - C libraries - had to provide specific constraints to restrict xmlsec from going out to the web to fetch keys or metadata or other interfaces to do calculations. Ivan is pretty sure xmlsec module is doing the same thing,
We have tests for the binary - make sure they also work with xmlsec module, then limit functions in code
e. Any other project (pyFF, djangosaml2, pyMDOC-CBOR, etc)
work on pyff around supporting trustinfo elements - spec stems from seamlessaccess - they indicate certain IdPs are preferred over the rest - you can say you only want to select from those - they can be highlighted or ranked first, for example. There can be complex rules indicating preference of sets based on assertion authorities or other things.
2 - AOB