Kära kollegor,
Jag vidarebefordrar en uppmaning från SPARC Europe om att de vill ha svar på sin enkät om
infrastrukturer för öppen vetenskap senast imorgon. Ni som driver OJS-installationer runt
om i landet är sannerligen viktiga strukturer för att publicera med öppen tillgång, så jag
hoppas att ni har några minuter över för att svara på frågor om hur era plattformar kan
bli eller förbli hållbara lösningar i framtiden.
Tack på förhand.
Sofie Wennström.
If you’re reading this, you are most likely based in Europe and a part of the rich field
of Open Access, Open Science/Scholarship resources and infrastructure that has organically
developed in Europe in recent years. Many of these resources, as you may well know, are
not sustainable — even though they underpin our evolving Open Access and Open Science
With your help, though, we are working to change this. By taking part in this survey, you
can help us bring greater visibility and a deeper understanding of the rich offering of
scholarly communication resources based in the European region; and ultimately, help
attract more funding. Based on what we learn, we also plan to showcase some of you as
leading open infrastructure champions.
Your feedback is critical. The information you share will ultimately help funders –
governments, funding organisations and agencies, institutions, libraries, service
providers and others – conceive effective strategies for financing essential Open
survey<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V8Q7R2X>, which is being conducted for
Invest in Open
Infrastructure<https://investinopen.org/>, should take you
approximately 30 minutes to complete and will be open until 12 June 2020 (we have extended
the original June 5 deadline).
If you are based in Europe and are running a service or infrastructure that supports OA or
OS anywhere in the research cycle, we’d like to hear from you. In the event that you are
responsible for more than one, please submit entries for each. Once closed, we will use
the following two months to review and compile the survey results which will be shared
during late summer/early autumn 2020.
Thank you very much for your support. Take the survey
here<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V8Q7R2X>, or download the survey
PDF<https://sparceurope.org/download/8627/> first, to know what to expect.
If you have any questions, please reach out to survey at sparceurope.org<mailto:survey
at sparceurope.org>
Best regards,
Vanessa Proudman
Director, SPARC