Attendees: Johan L, Shayna, Ivan, Mikael, Hannah, Matthew
0 - Agenda bash
1 - Project review
a. General -
- Find a new time slot for a weekly meeting - Mondays 12-13 UTC
- Find a time slot for a review of "documentation pain points"
meeting with Matthew E -we will take time from the 27 January meeting
- Ivan will send a message to the board, to discuss transitioning to
a different model (running services)
b. OIDC libraries - (idpy-oidc,
JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
- Roland - discussion of PRs in stages vs one big one - Ivan will reach
out to him again. Mikael reports there is a workshop going on
about handing
over the keys to the kingdom.
- there will be a PR coming regarding audience policies
- before the open id connect frontend/library can release a new
token, and include an audience as a claim in the token, this
audience can
be setup with certain rules. There is a specification in the
RFC that the
client can request certain audiences can be included in the
token, in the
audience claim, using the resource indicator.
- How the OP will decide if they will do this or not is more
complicated. The OP will process the request and will see the
client wants
the audiences in the auth claim, so it applies a filter. But
what if it
doesn't? How does it signal that it didn't respect what the client
requested? No matter what, ultimately the OP will decide
which audiences go
into the auth claim.
- But what if the policy changes over time? The OP may be reloaded
with a new policy. The client will use a token or give one to
an RS, and we
need to take into consideration that the policy may have changed when
replying from the different endpoints where the audience can have
- What happens if we can't refresh our access token because a
policy changed? What happens if you are allowed to do more
things than were
requested? The potential change over time spans is the tricky
part, and may
cause the OP to deny a request.
- Need to introduce a hook in the right places where the audience
will be set/returned/displayed to apply the policy needed.
- Nikos has gone through the PR Roland opened - looks good and was
tested - will be merged.
c. Satosa -
- Ivan (speaking for both SATOSA and pysaml2) will work on the next
stages of release, incorporating different categories of PRs -
he has some
changes locally but hasn't pushed them yet
- username, ldap plugins
- Johan's request for typings
- support xml encoding version 1.1 (?)
d. pySAML2 -
- Making sure compatible with python 3.13 - should do this with all
code. Has been addressed for pyff (see below)
e. Any other project (pyFF, djangosaml2, pyMDOC-CBOR, etc)
- Conversations with Enrique around pyff - need discussion with spec
authors around trustinfo elements- Matthew Stewart will ask the working
group for their help to expand on the specification and
capabilities. There
are some questions about processing the list of preferred/exclusively
trusted identity providers, done through the services metadata or another
structure - a JSON payload with a list of sets of IdPs. During the
processing of the list, it is possible that what has already
been processed
is getting overwritten. It shouldn't happen that the same list should be
entered twice. How should this be handled? Should it be up to the
implementers; should we throw an error or a warning? Need to
determine how
to handle these edge cases. Should this invalidate the service
such that we
don't continue to process its metadata? Should we skip the
repeated entity,
use the last entity, etc?
- Mikael added a github action to make sure they can build pyff with
latest python release. This should probably be done for all code.
2 - AOB
- Change meeting invite and ensure Enrique and Alex are added
- Matthew is going to post his mock SAML workflow writeup to the
idpy-discuss list. He is doing a similar writeup for the idpy-oidc
libraries. It is a narrow example of the authentication flow,
mocking up an
OP and RP, simulating a request and response and processing the response.
He may be able to share some of that with us at the next meeting. It is
using pytest but not simulating things like a web browser.