Today I represent the "unnamed FIDO wallet" project (aka
This is a project started by GUNet, Sunet and yubico with the goal of
building a FIDO-based wallet based on OpenID4vc and vp profiles and
sd-jwt credentials.
We would like to propose this project for inclusion in idpy.
The project is in an early phase but we are confident that it has the
potential to become a staple of the wallet ecosystem because of its
simple design. The organizations are currently funding the work within
the framework of the EU digital wallet LSPs
The backend of the project is python and pretty clearly in scope of the
idpy family of projects (beeing all about identity) but since there is
web involved there are other technologies present such as html and js.
We believe python-based WASM could play a role in the project in the
future. Our goals is to make a scalable fully secure "cloud" wallet with
support for multiple credential and registry technologies.
The project is in its infancy but needs an organizational home. Funding
is not a problem for the next few years at least at which point we hope
interest in a web based FIDO-wallet will make this a self-sustaining
part of the idpy family. The project does not have a separate webpage
yet and we are hoping for a decision in idpy before we bring the first
public version of the code into the idpy org on github. We plan to
publish under a BSD-2 license.
We are already well integrated into the idpy family of projects and plan
to use satosa as our primary issuer/verifier implementation for testing
and development.
A public demo is available at
Best R