Dear all,
Pleased to be member in this new network on highly skilled migration, and my thanks to
Maja Frykman for her time and effort in building it.
You find below my recent publications with their links.
Best regards,
Habti, Driss and Maria Elo (eds.) (2019) Global Mobility of Highly Skilled People:
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Self-initiated Expatriation. Cham, Switzerland:
Habti, D. and Elo, M. (2019) Rethinking Self-initiated Expatriation in International
Highly Skilled Migration. In D. Habti and M. Elo (eds.), Global Mobility of Highly Skilled
People: (pp. 1-37). Cham: Switzerland: Springer.
Habti, D. (2019) Mapping drivers of Arab highly skilled self-initiated expatriation to
Finland: Personal-professional life pendulum. In D. Habti and M. Elo (eds.), Global
Mobility of Highly Skilled People (pp. 107-145). Cham: Switzerland: Springer.
Elo, M. and Habti, D. (2019) Self-initiated expatriation rebooted: A puzzling reality - a
challenge to migration research, and its future direction. In Habti and Elo (eds.), Global
Mobility of Highly Skilled People (pp. 293-304). Cham: Switzerland: Springer.
Habti, D. (2019) What's driving Russian migrant physicians to stay in Finland? A
life-course approach. Journal of Finnish Studies, 22 (1&2), 85-118. (guest edited
special issue, Driss Habti and Tuulikki Kurki)
Driss Habti, PhD in Sociology
Karelian Institute (Room 1148)
University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu
Aurora, Yliopistokatu 2,
P.O. Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland