Dear all,
Below I forward the information on one more call for papers at the SIEF conference, relevant to our network.
Best wishes, Maja
Subject: [ANTHROMOB] CFP. SIEF: Expat families: rules, power, participation and transgression, June 2021
Dear all,
The CFP for the online SIEF conference next June is open. You are very welcome to propose a paper to the panel on expatriate families that I am convening together with Poulamee Guha. You can see the abstract below. In the end of the message, there is also general information on the SIEF conference, there are several mobility related panels there.
Best regards, Mari
Expatriate families: rules, power, participation and transgression <>
Mari Korpela (Tampere University)
Poulamee Guha (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Short abstract:
International mobility of skilled professionals is governed by various rules and policies, posed by the sending and receiving states and by the organisations where the professionals work. This panel discusses the phenomenon from the point of view of the accompanying children and spouses.
Long abstract:
Increasing numbers of skilled professionals lead international careers where they work, either temporarily or permanently, abroad. Often, these experts, sometimes called career expatriates or corporate elites, are accompanied by their spouses and children. International labour mobility is governed by various rules and policies, posed on by the sending and receiving states as well as by the companies and organisations where the mobile professionals work. In this panel, we discuss the phenomenon from the point of view of the accompanying children and spouses. Which rules do they obey or transgress? How do the accompanying spouses negotiate and navigate the various rules, norms and practices that concern them? Which kinds of rules, norms and practices affect the children and how do they navigate those in their everyday lives? Which kinds of rules and practices become constructed within the families or among the children? How are the family dynamics formed when living in a foreign country? How is power negotiated in expatriate families? The panel welcomes both empirical and conceptual papers discussing the rules, practices, power, participation and transgression among expatriate families.
Dear Colleagues,
The Call for Papers and Posters for Breaking the rules? Power, participation and transgression is now open and will close on 26 November. All panels, roundtables and workshops will take place virtually - SIEF2021 will be an online congress. While the organisers hoped for a long time to be able to keep a face-to-face component, the uncertainty brought on by the world-wide pandemic makes having an on-site event unfeasible on so many levels: the constant changes in travel restrictions, ensuring health and safety on the premises, differences in COVID-19 spread and management policies in different states, care responsibilities at home for those looking after the elderly, financial insecurities (including travel and other insurance policies becoming void with force majeure clauses) etc etc.
The Scientific Committee also felt very strongly that canceling or postponing the congress would be unfair. Thus it was decided that a virtual gathering would provide a way for everyone to present their scholarship and nurture professional development, encourage ongoing collaborations and create new connections. On top of that, the local organisers from Helsinki have risen to the challenge of delivering an unforgettable congress with spectacular keynotes, innovative (rule-breaking?!) events and the opportunity to experience the Arctic atmosphere through a unique music programme - all online in Helsinki.
So please do not be discouraged by the virtual format and join us. There are 116 panels to pick from that all approach the congress theme from an original angle and there’s also a poster stream to gather in visual contributions.
Please read the instructions on how to propose a paper or a poster on the Call for Papers and Posters page<…> and then proceed to submit your contribution. All contributions must be submitted via the links on panel pages<…>, none should be sent by e-mail.
Looking forward to seeing you at SIEF2021!
Dr. Mari Korpela
Academy Research Fellow/akatemiatutkija
Adjunct professor/ dosentti (sosiaali- ja kulttuuriantropologia)
President of the Finnish Anthropological Society/ Suomen Antropologisen seuran puheenjohtaja
Faculty of Social Sciences
Linna room 5058
33014 Tampere University
tel. + 358 50 318 6131
e-mail: mari.korpela at