Attendees: Johan W, Shayna, Ivan
0 - Agenda bash
1 - Project review
a. General -
b. OIDC libraries - (idpy-oidc,
JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
- Ivan chatted with Roland and people from SUNET about the things Roland
has split up into multiple MRs, related to wallets and
federation. This way
they can be reviewed and incorporated slowly into the
idpy-oidc library.
- This work is needed by some people sooner - so need to create a
release from a branch which will be marked as a
development release- e.g.
- This will be considered a pre-release. Regular users will not
get it unless they explicitly request it using a specific flag or
installation (e.g., pip install idpy-oidc=xxxx)
- some things currently in the library may break as part of
this pre-release- tests cannot cover all edge cases
c. Satosa -
- Still trying to get the release out - sometime today hopefully? Will
contact Matthew after tagging and posting to pypi, to address
changes for
the container image due to the loss of
- would like to transition to use Poetry like pySAML2 does- makes
it easier to package releases, do version bumps, etc.
d. pySAML2 -
- local cleanup, revamping of dependencies coming up
e. Any other project (pyFF, djangosaml2, pyMDOC-CBOR, etc)
2 - AOB
- Next meeting will be 8 January 2025. Happy Holidays!