*Idpy meeting 6 February 2024*
Attendees: Johan W, Johan L, Shayna, Roland, Hannah, Matthew E.
0 - Agenda bash
1 - Project review
a. General -
b. OIDC libraries -
https://github.com/IdentityPython (idpy-oidc,
JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
- From the TIIME conference, it is clear that the wallet project will be
used in different pilots, and different requirements will be handled
through configuration
- Roland will put out one instance of this project soon, including
federation pieces and the credential issuer.
- There is a Greek wallet implementation - wwwallet - they are trying
to get it to work together with Roland's project. They had to add quite a
bit of functionality to their implementation.
- Another part of the wallet ecosystem is the verifier or relying
party - the spec is very complex and not stable yet. No one wants to
implement it since it will probably change. Some people have come up with
something much simpler. Roland will implement something like this to be
able to verify what is in the wallet.
- Real wallet examples: EC for EU project world package 5 - social
security - Denmark, Germany, Austria? - pilot for issuing
credentials. The
approaches were very different in discussions - Roland more
concerned about
how the information gets transferred securely; the other parties more
concerned about what information to distribute.
- They also brought up the problem of when the person who is
described in the wallet is not the person who holds the
wallet. Parent /
child for example. This is not handled in the spec currently.
- For idpy-oidc: Roland has a PR he would like reviewed by
Giuseppe and Ivan - then will make a new release
- When you post an authorization request you can specify who the
audience of the token is, but the idpy implementation was not
handling that
correctly. That fix will be part of the new release.
c. Satosa -
d. pySAML2 -
e. Any other project (pyFF, djangosaml2, pyMDOC-CBOR, etc)
2 - AOB
- idpy board meeting took place at the TIIME conference.
- There is discussion on having more than one person to be responsible
for each of the projects / packages.
- Roland would like to switch roles to be an adviser rather than
responsible for the projects he is working on.
- Tentatively planning a demo from Roland at the meeting on 20th