On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 at 15:15, Heather Flanagan
<hlflanagan at sphericalcowgroup.com> wrote:
Heather, Martin, Johan L,
Scott, Roland, Leif, Christos, Ivan
oh! I was available, but an hour off. Time changed for Greece and I
did not realize how this affected our call.
0. Agenda bash
1. Governance update
New board has their first call November 13.
2. PR review
- Satosa (Satosa PRs -
https://github.com/IdentityPython/SATOSA/issues/195 - would like to discuss further;
can we as a team think about a default engine like this in Satosa?
3. AOB
Idpy meeting at TIIME?
Martin and Heather are contractors; attendance depends on funding.
Ivan c00kiemon5ter Kanakarakis >:3