*Idpy meeting 19 December 2023*
Attendees: Shayna, Ivan, Roland, Matthew E.
0 - Agenda bash
1 - Project review
a. General -
b. OIDC libraries -
https://github.com/IdentityPython (idpy-oidc,
JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
- idpyoidc 3.0.0 released
- openid federation implementation - Roland has openid4v (wallets) -
assumed openidconnect at base but it is oauth.
- Reminder that client registration information is not
- SATOSA container generates xml so that a newbie can get it going;
intent is to have a docker compose project that can stand up an oidc
environment and showcases all different integrations
- Roland has SATOSA OP frontend that is sort of based on Giusppe's
work, but partly new. He has the federation support. Didn't want to be
dependent on MongoDb, has persistence layers with store/fetch. Ideally
there is a function to register an OP (independent of backend).
- Ivan acknowledges that registration process is not well
documented and assumes pre-existing knowledge. Also does not have good
examples. He has not really used the dynamic registration,
but has used
static registration with the database for client data. He has used
different authentication methods for the clients: basic auth or client
secret post. Beyond that things get strange. Basic use cases
are there and
some advanced ones, but some may be missing. The problem is
there is not
just one level of documentation - are you a user, a
developer? Roland has
worked hard on base documentation for idpyoidc at
https://idpy-oidc.readthedocs.io/ but it needs to be updated.
This is for the library. The front end is one layer above and
we could use
documentation for that as well.
- openid federation adds a whole different layer to this. Clients
no longer register, they just become members of the federation.
c. Satosa -
- Considering how to expose metadata in openid federation format
- Some work required before making a new release
- Need to pull in Roland's PR separating pyoidc and pysaml2 from core
- Looking at PR on plugin for getting session info from SAML
entities - but the project tries to keep plugins protocol
agnostic (this is
clearly SAML specific).
- This brings up: how do you map from oidc to SAML? Right now
claims and attributes are mapped; scopes are there but not
really reflected
in internal data. Acr claim and amz claim are also not
reflected in
internal data. Need a document on how to map between the
protocols and
derive the internal data. This is needed if we want to
extend the core with
more protocols.
- jwt token from saml transaction (there is a spec)
d. pySAML2 -
e. Any other project (pyFF, djangosaml2, pyMDOC-CBOR, etc)
- Matthew working on getting SeamlessAccess pieces into one
release-ready container. If you have feet in both oidc and SAML worlds,
how do you take advantage of scalable federations in both with a
user experience? He's been coming up with ideas mostly surrounding
mirroring in SATOSA, to expose oidc as SAML. It is tricky, treating the
oidc entities the same as saml identities.
- Discussion of how to handle this; pictures attached.
2 - AOB
- Next meeting 9 January and then every 2 weeks after that