Hi everybody,
unfortunately I will miss the meeting so I write some note regarding:
Jozef Knaperek (the current repository owner) expressed a favorable opinion
for the migration to idpy. I lost him during the holidays but it's probably
right that it was! Watching djangosaml2's contributors we can see how many
guys contributed in it and also in pysaml2. I think that this migration
would be quite natural for many aspects, one of these is the opportunity to
extend its community, abandoning the position of "mantainance fork" moving
into a more proper and authoritative space. For those who do not know
djangosaml2 this is the integration of pysaml2 in Django Framework, it help
us creating a SAML2 SP in the full respect of pysaml2 approach. I am sure
you have already given it a look. The latter commits have handled a
SameSite cookie workaround, similar to which already seen in SATOSA and we
are getting ready for a major release (v1.0.0) with a general code refactor
(ClassView) and a better code coverage (>89%). v1.0.0 would be a LTS
release and probably we'll have a RC for some months before do that. v1.0.0
would have also pysaml2 >=v6.1.0 as dependencies and we're facing pysaml2's
breaking changes regarding this. Finally, I'm only a repository admin that
are driving djangosaml2 best I can and, at last but not least, a real
stakeholder, because I largely use it in my production contexts.
I didn't still produced a debate in #oidc channel, but if I were did it I'd
ask about the default policy that oidcendpoint have, regarding the
requested scope against the supported or availables, for each RP. In that
issue I tried to describe my (usually coloured) experience:
The goal of this debate would be the possibility to configure the default
behaviour (policy) in oidcsession, through oidcendpoint global
configuration, that will let each platform administrator decide how to
handle the release of unavailable or unallowed scopes.
That's a reference for this:
have a good meeting
Il giorno gio 27 ago 2020 alle ore 15:39 Heather Flanagan <
hlflanagan at sphericalcowgroup.com> ha scritto:
Tuesday, 1 September, 13:00 UTC
0 - Agenda bash
1 - Status of architecture documentation
2 - Potential new project for idpy - status?
3 - GitHub review
a. OIDC -
https://github.com/IdentityPython (JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP,
JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
b. Satosa -
c. pySAML2 -
d. pyFF -
4 - AOB
Thanks! Heather
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