1) Handle inconsistent context.state. The following PR it's just a proof-of-concept
and needs more attention for a better rationale:
<https://github.com/IdentityPython/SATOSA/pull/272>. I think to prevent the
possibility to make authnRequest with invalid/inconsistent/corrupted context, this PR also
introduces the possibility to handle in a definitive way Error or warning messages to end
Ivan: Code assumes that we will always be in a situation where the cookie will be there.
Need to change that and indicate when the cookie is missing. We may also have some
implicit actions being done, authentication response assumptions based on things we find
in that cookie, or the query parameters, or the body of the query response. Can fix this
by starting with this PR, but more will need to be done so we don’t need to have a user
friendly message.
Ivan: We don’t want to mess with HTML templates. What we want is an API that will allow us
to return information about the error to other services for rendering. We still need to
restructure the logging; that will help match the logging message to other error messages.
Ivan for this PR, Ivan will rephrase the message then accept the PR. It is only a first
step in what needs to be done.