Attendees: Johan L, Shayna, Ivan, Mikael, Matthew, Enrique, Hannah
0 - Agenda bash
1 - Project review
a. General
- Moving project repos - all should be moving under IdPy, but who will
maintain the ones that are new and not going to be under other projects?
- Mikael will keep them floating - most (other than the ones being
added to Satosa) are considered POC, and Sunet and SWAMID will
use them as
- Mikael will look into the process for bringing the repos under the
IdPy umbrella, described here:
b. OIDC libraries - (idpy-oidc,
JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
- Nikos will be putting up PRs with some new functionality.
- Everything should be under Roland's branch for the new repos
c. Satosa -
- Will be posting a new release after the call with the
ldap_attribute_store plugin updates.
d. pySAML2 -
- Will be creating a new release after the call to include:
- uses pydantic v1 but now we have pydantic v2, so want to make
sure there are no problems - there may be an issue with
the python version.
Ivan is testing with 3.13. Mikael knows there is a
breakage with pyFF with
3.13 that he thought might be related to pydantic.
- Next will look at some changes Giuseppe has prepared and is
using in his fork around namespace names.
e. Any other project (pyFF, djangosaml2, pyMDOC-CBOR, etc)
- pyFF: Mikael will be taking a look at the hashmark issue mentioned in
the last meeting. Ivan is looking into this as well.
- Mikael and Enrique are collaborating on the issue Enrique described
last week.
2 - AOB
- Matthew had posted some things on Slack about the attribute mapper,
but was able to figure out what he needed.
- SAML defines attributes - they are not just an identifier. There is
the name, the friendly name, and the name format. The name
format tells you
how the name is structured - it is not really a string. It could be a url
or uri , for example. Within the name you could have a uri with a hash
symbol with a pointer, so you cannot just compare the values as strings.
Parsing the objects the right way may show they are the same. The
uniqueness of an attribute does not come from the name - you have to
combine it with the name format.
- Ivan will try to answer this on Slack and give some examples
- Matthew is currently working on signing outgoing SAML requests - it
is not working out of the box. He will gather his questions on this for
another time.
- Matthew is also working on how to structure tests for an application
that uses SAML, and uses jwts after the SAML response. Would like to mock
up a real world application.
- Next goal is to be able to do integration testing, deploying an IdP
that facilitates that.
- Also doing all the same stuff with open id connect. Still working
on getting the proper configuration.
- Next week, Shayna will be out and Matthew has volunteered to take