I would be willing to contribute some documentation once I have managed to re-engineer it
from the code, but I am not sure if I could sustain a maintainer role over a longer
period, as my use case is limited to a commercially rather small installation.
- Rainer
Am 2019-05-15 um 00:02 schrieb Ivan Kanakarakis
<ivan.kanak at gmail.com>:
Hello everyone,
On Mon, 13 May 2019 at 17:05, Rainer Hoerbe <rainer at hoerbe.at> wrote:
I have a use case for SATOSA + a consent service.
There was a discussion about moving CMService to IdPy at the Meeting from 6 March
2018[1], and Roland merged SURFnet’s updates into the its-dirg repo later (27 May 27
2018). There was no further activity afterwards.
Is someone using CMService, and possibly interested in moving it into IdPy?
Including the CMService in idpy means that someone should actually maintain it.
I remember those discussions, but there was never an official proposal
towards idpy.
I also remember that there weren't many users of the CMService.
While eduTEAMs is now using the CMService, it does not want to be the
maintainer of it (at least not at this time).
If someone wants to take care of it, we can definitely have a discussion ;)
Cheers, Rainer
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Ivan c00kiemon5ter Kanakarakis >:3