Giuseppe, John P, Scott, Heather, Ivan, Scott
0. Agenda bash
1. Hackathon @ TechEx
2. GitHub review
There were new releases for both Satosa (two) and pySAML2.
a. Satosa -
Expect a new docker image.
Tests also fixed.
New merge requests for logging.
Will be looking at scopes shortly, based on a PR from Scott.
After this will be looking at PR 280 (from the NTW Hackathon). This will replace another
option previously used by eIDAS.
Expect a new release in the next few weeks.
There is a collaboration between eduTEAMS, GRNET, and KIT, that will create a new OIDC
front end for Satosa. See "AARC-G052: Specification for validating externally issued
OAuth2 tokens"…
In the future, this will also allow for support of OIDC federations. This is not quite
ready for developing against; it is a draft. Expectation is to take this to the broader
OIDC community for general adoption
b. pySAML2 -
One big development in pySAML2 - Ivan has pushed the commit to drop support for Python 2
Other changes have been about using extractor for metadata (particularly MDUI attributes).
There was also a fix on how we select the bindings. Added support for IPv6 addresses
enclosed in brackets.
Current PRs in progress
Expect a new release tomorrow.
c. pyFF -
3. AOB
Next call scheduled for Dec 10 during the Hackathon - we’ll open up a chat on Slack,
rather than an actual call
Suggest moving the Dec 24 call to Dec 17 and catch up on what came out of the Hackathon
Heather will create new calendar entries for 2020
Heather to try and schedule a board meeting during TechEx
An idpy BoF has been requested for TNC20