Ivan, Johan, Martin, Scott, Heather
Christos, Roland
No need. Short version: Klaas wants GEANT to have a seat (Christos
accepted the nomination), we were worried that made an even number of
board members, I suggested therefore increasing the board by 2 and
adding an additional research person and asked Chris W. if he wanted to
be nominated (he does, but needs to clear it with his CIO which he plans
to do this week) and so the timing is that I hope to have the board done
by TechEx.
Pull Requests
PR from Martin for pySAML2
( - pySAML tries to
convert every attribute into a short name, which leaves consuming
applications confused about what the original name of the attributes
actually are. Martin’s PR fixes part of this. Ivan agrees to merge the
small change, and will aim to fix this entire issue in the long run when
mapping SAML to SAML. And there was much rejoicing.
Ivan is still working on other changes in pySAML2, in particular how to
get rid of the odd classes that pySAML2 use now (using LXML). Scott
notes that pyFF uses LXML; points out that long lived processes may need
to be more careful as LXML is known to have some problems with its
memory handling. Need to be careful to clean up string objects; also
careful with other garbage collection. Ivan would like to have an XML
file to act as a dictionary (rather than creating classes for
everything), that would track every node. This would result in a clear
structure, and allow for easy alteration using basic python utilities.
Only need to validate stuff as it comes in against the XML dictionary.
Satosa - Ivan has merged some PRs that had been waiting for some time.
Was looking at Martin’s PR ( and offered a
comment. This parses claims from OIDC in a different way. The problem
Martin was trying to solve was items being parsed as claims incorrectly.
Ivan says we can go ahead and merge that PR.
Ivan has also merged Scott’s PR for optional nameID, another to support
the email address nameID format, and now with the latest code, the email
address should come through untouched (not hashed). Will move forward by
removing the hash functionality and turning it into a micro service.
Ivan will continue to look at the other PRs; the one from Christos needs
some cleanup (decision trees that can be simplified), and then another
large one from Martin.
When Ivan moves the hashing function into a micro service, he will cut a
new release. Then we move on to more interesting stuff.
As an aside, we need to reconsider how we write tests. It needs to be
easier. A topic for a future meeting.