On 2019-09-23 23:09, Scott Koranda wrote:
I am using today's pyFF master head, commit
My pipeline contains
- when request:
- select:
- pipe:
- when accept application/xml:
- first
- finalize:
cacheDuration: PT12H
validUntil: P10D
- sign:
key: metadata-signer.key
cert: metadata-signer.crt
- emit application/xml
- break
- when accept application/json:
- discojson
- emit application/json
- break
This query returns the XML I expect
curl '
proving that pyFF has the metadata for the entityID.
But this query returns an empty <EntitiesDescriptor>:
Note that
$ python3
Python 3.7.3 (default, Apr 3 2019, 05:39:12)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license"
for more information.
>> from hashlib import sha1
>> m = sha1()
>> m.hexdigest()
This is problematic since thiss-js wants to use sha1 hashes to query
Is there something special I have to configure to get pyFF to accept the
sha1 hash?
No you shouldn't have to do anything. I got a lot of PRs from the
hackathon today. Let me work through those tomorrow and then get
this issue fixed. It is certainly not expected.
Cheers Leif
Scott K
Idpy-discuss mailing list
Idpy-discuss at lists.sunet.se
to query
Is there something special I have to configure to get pyFF to accept the
sha1 hash?
Scott K
Idpy-discuss mailing list
Idpy-discuss at lists.sunet.se