Hello everyone,
I am reaching out to you as we are preparing our deliverable 5.3 and we
are still missing data and clarification on Y2 interventions to complete
the analysis.
Please fill in ALL columns of the excel file
as soon as possible. We have highlighted in red the information that is
either missing or not the same in the excel file and the corresponding
school context overview. Could you please crosscheck and make sure that
the information in the columns N O P Q T is the same as what is
mentioned in the school context overview and in the activity plan for
each of the interventions? Could you also add the number of groups in
each intervention and the information needed in columns X Y Z AA AB AC AD?
It is important to have this as soon as possible as we need to complete
the deliverable by next Friday in order to proceed with the review.
Please let me know when you have gone through this so that we can
include them in the deliverable.
Thank you in advance,