Thanks Maria-Stella!
That’s brilliant!
From: Maria-Stella Nikolaou <msnikolaou(a)>
Date: Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 12:49
To: Benny Malengier <Benny.Malengier(a)>
Cc: extendt2_all(a) <extendt2_all(a)>
Subject: [Extendt2_all] Re: folder or banner
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In the WP8 Folder inside ExtenDT2 Project's shared Google Drive, you can find:
1. Informative flyers
for teachers about the Project
2. The banner
we used in ExtenDT2's Project Meeting in Athens
You can find both in PDF format or in an editable form.
Maria-Stella, NKUA Team