Hi all,
See e-mail below from our PO. It could be of interest to
some of you. Have a nice afternoon.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Consultation on AI Act prohibitions and AI system definition
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 11:40:59 +0000
From: FUENTES MATEOS Angel <Angel.FUENTES-MATEOS(a)ec.europa.eu>
To: sotiris.athanassopoulos(a)maggioli.gr
<sotiris.athanassopoulos(a)maggioli.gr>, marcelo.milrad(a)lnu.se
<marcelo.milrad(a)lnu.se>, shamim.patel(a)lnu.se <shamim.patel(a)lnu.se>,
remolar(a)uji.es <remolar(a)uji.es>, Tae Eun Kim <tae.e.kim(a)uit.no>,
EDMONDJ(a)tcd.ie <EDMONDJ(a)tcd.ie>
This month in FET: news about the Quantum Flagship, launch of the STARTS
Prize, HPC strategy, video on Graphene, ERA-net funding opportunities
and forthcoming events
Dear coordinators,
Please see below. I think that this would be a useful consultation to
contribute to from your projects and clusters.
Best regards,
*From:*Connect Newsroom <cnect-newsroom(a)ec.europa.eu>
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 13, 2024 5:03 PM
*Subject:* Shaping Europe's Digital Future website updates 13/11/2024
Shaping Europe's Digital Future website updates
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In this issue
oPress releases <#b11398>
oConsultations <#b11401>
oPublications <#b11404>
Press releases
Commission launches consultation on AI Act prohibitions and AI
system definition
Today, the Commission’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Office is launching
a targeted stakeholders consultation process on the future guidelines on
the AI system definition and the implementation of AI practices that
pose unacceptable risks under the AI Act.
*more * <https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/redirection/item/854658/en/2549>
Consultation on AI Act prohibitions and AI system definition
This is a targeted stakeholders consultation process on the future
guidelines on the AI system definition and the implementation of AI
practices that pose unacceptable risks under the AI Act.
*more * <https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/redirection/item/856704/en/2549>
Results of the stakeholder consultation for the interim
evaluation of Digital Europe Programme
The public stakeholder consultation for the interim evaluation of
Digital Europe Programme (‘DIGITAL’) has been a success, engaging 790
stakeholders from across the EU and beyond.
*more * <https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/redirection/item/856703/en/2549>
This is an update from the Newsroom of the Shaping Europe's Digital
Future website. <https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en>
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