Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare/System administrator
SUNET Mediateam
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Sunet | Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Tulegatan 11, 113 53 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Web: <>
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Från: SUNET Status <do-not-reply(a)>
Date: tis 4 juli 2023 kl 07:14
Subject: Scheduled Maintenance Notification from Sunet Status
To: <monika.allov-andersson(a)>
Scheduled Maintenance Reminder Sunet Status
*Title:* Emergency Maintenance on Zoom SIP/H.323 gateways
*Planned Start:* July 5, 2023 01:59 CEST
*Expected End:* July 5, 2023 04:00 CEST
*Affected Infrastructure*
*Components:* Zoom
*Locations:* On-Prem
Migrate Zoom Room Connector Load Balancers to new datacenter setup.
SIP/H.323 integration with Zoom will be down for the duration.
Note: This was scheduled for yesterday but has been rescheduled.
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Inatt sker underhåll för att lösa SIP/H.323-problemen.
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare/System administrator
SUNET Mediateam
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Sunet | Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Tulegatan 11, 113 53 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Web: <>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Från: NORDUnet Status Notification <
Date: mån 3 juli 2023 kl 14:44
Subject: Scheduled Maintenance Notification from NORDUnet Status
To: <monika.allov-andersson(a)>
Scheduled Maintenance Reminder NORDUnet Status
*Title:* Emergency Maintenance on Zoom SIP/H.323 gateways
*Planned Start:* July 3, 2023 23:59 UTC
*Expected End:* July 4, 2023 02:00 UTC
*Affected Infrastructure*
*Components:* Zoom
*Locations:* On-Premise
Migrate Zoom Room Connector Load Balancers to new datacenter setup.
SIP/H.323 integration with Zoom will be down for the duration.
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Patch installerad, men osäkert om det löst problemet. Om ni fortfarande
upplever problem att ansluta till möten, rapportera det till media(a)
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare/System administrator
SUNET Mediateam
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Sunet | Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Tulegatan 11, 113 53 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Web: <>
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Från: SUNET Status <do-not-reply(a)>
Date: fre 30 juni 2023 kl 19:58
Subject: Status Notification from Sunet Status
To: <monika.allov-andersson(a)>
Incident Update Sunet Status
*Current Status:* Degraded Performance
*Started:* June 28, 2023 10:10 CEST
*Affected Infrastructure*
*Components:* Zoom
*Locations:* On-Prem
The patch has been installed on all zoom servers.
Due to the issue has been intermittent it's hard to say that the issue gone.
If you still experience issues please send in a ticket the usual way, or
continue in the current one.
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Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare/System administrator
SUNET Mediateam
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Sunet | Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Tulegatan 11, 113 53 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Web: <>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Från: SUNET Status <do-not-reply(a)>
Date: fre 30 juni 2023 kl 11:52
Subject: Status Notification from Sunet Status
To: <monika.allov-andersson(a)>
Incident Update Sunet Status
*Current Status:* Degraded Performance
*Started:* June 28, 2023 10:10 CEST
*Affected Infrastructure*
*Components:* Zoom
*Locations:* On-Prem
Zoom put the patch where our servers cannot find it so patch will be
postponed until Zoom fix that.
Installation will start as soon as it is available.
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Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare/System administrator
SUNET Mediateam
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Sunet | Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Tulegatan 11, 113 53 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Web: <>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Från: SUNET Status <do-not-reply(a)>
Date: fre 30 juni 2023 kl 11:41
Subject: Status Notification from Sunet Status
To: <monika.allov-andersson(a)>
Incident Update Sunet Status
*Current Status:* Degraded Performance
*Started:* June 28, 2023 10:10 CEST
*Affected Infrastructure*
*Components:* Zoom
*Locations:* On-Prem
Rolling on a patch to fix the problem introduced by the update. Expected
impact is interruption of ongoing meetings.
Time: now
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För er som inte prenumererar på Status för tjänsterna, se nedan.
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare/System administrator
SUNET Mediateam
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Sunet | Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Tulegatan 11, 113 53 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Web: <>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Från: SUNET Status <do-not-reply(a)>
Date: ons 28 juni 2023 kl 10:10
Subject: Status Notification from Sunet Status
To: <monika.allov-andersson(a)>
Incident Update Sunet Status
*Current Status:* Degraded Performance
*Started:* June 28, 2023 10:10 CEST
*Affected Infrastructure*
*Components:* Zoom
*Locations:* On-Prem
Sporadic problems on Zoom, ranging from unable to connect to disconnects.
Seems to be worst in Zone 3. May have something to do with the update
rolled on during the night. Some MMR’s didn’t update. Looking into it.
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se info nedan.
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare/System administrator
SUNET Mediateam
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Sunet | Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Tulegatan 11, 113 53 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Web: <>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Från: NORDUnet Status Notification <
Date: tors 8 juni 2023 kl 14:08
Subject: Status Notification from NORDUnet Status
To: <monika.allov-andersson(a)>
Incident Update NORDUnet Status
*Current Status:* Operational
*Started:* June 6, 2023 11:04 UTC
*Affected Infrastructure*
*Components:* Zoom
*Locations:* Recording
So good news, it seems like Zoom has found a workaround, so recordings
seems to be working again.
Zoom says it will resend all the missing webhooks manually, so old
recordings should show up when they start doing that.
So new recordings should work, and let us know if any since 11:30 UTC does
not show up.
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Sedan igår är det problem med cloudrecording i Zoom.
"Recordings are still getting done, and are on the recording servers, they
are just not getting moved from there to the end user systems. We are
waiting on zoom to figure out what is wrong, and hopefully when they figure
it out the missing webhooks will show up, though we do not know for sure if
the missing webhooks will get resend."
Prenumerera gärna på och
För Sunets mediatjänster
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare/System administrator
SUNET Mediateam
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Sunet | Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Tulegatan 11, 113 53 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Web: <>
Hej alla!
På onsdag är det mediamöte igen. Sunet funderar på om vi kan behöva ändra
communityarbetet för våra utbildnings- och samarbetstjänster.
Men hur ser det ut egentligen för de som kan tänkas vara communityn?
Vilka är med, vilka är inte med men borde vara det? Vad behöver ni och de
och kan bidra med till en Community? Och på vilket sätt? Vilka har varit
med länge eller kommit med nyligen? Hur lätt eller svårt är det att vara en
i communityn? ...
Ska det vara som i dag, när mediamötena mest är information från oss till
er eller ska vi hitta nya former?
Vi vill nu på onsdag bjuda in att i smågrupper diskutera dessa och andra
frågor för att få en communitybaserad utgångspunkt för de SUNET-
diskussioner vi tjänsteförvaltare ska ha.
Välkomna kl 15-16 på onsdag på ordinarie plats,
passcode: 911624
Monika, Markus & Peter
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare/System administrator
SUNET Mediateam
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Sunet | Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Tulegatan 11, 113 53 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Web: <>
Hej alla!
Som vi gick ut med igår så fungerade det inte att skicka ärenden till
media(a) Vi har inte mottagit svar i ärenden, eller nya mejl som
skickats mellan 11-19 igår.
Problemet är löst, men vi ber er att skicka igen om ni inte har fått svar
från oss.
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare/System administrator
SUNET Mediateam
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Sunet | Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Tulegatan 11, 113 53 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Web: <>