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Möteslänk: https://sunet.zoom.us/j/2772627210?pwd=MzR1eko3dTZ2MFF6ODFWdTFSQzg2dz09
Vi hoppas ha nyheter och uppdateringar om följande:
* Kaltura: Status för vårens uppdatering av onPrem
* Play/Kaltura: skillnaderna mellan onPrem och SaaS.
* Zoom hybrid – vad är senaste nytt
* Zoom licensmodel
Medieteamet: Erik, Markus, Monika, Peter
Hej alla!
Nu är underhållet av servrarna hos NORDUnet färdigt.
Tjänsterna ska fungera som vanligt från och med nu.
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare - Sunet mediatjänster
System administrator - Sunet media services
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Hej alla!
Det har varit lite olika turer fram och tillbaka gällande det planerade
underhållsarbetet i Danmark.
Nu görs allt samma helg, närmare bestämt nu till helgen.
Nedan ser ni vad som gäller.
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare - Utbildningsstödjande tjänster
System administrator - Educational Services
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Från: NORDUnet Status Notification <
Date: mån 25 nov. 2024 kl 16:42
Subject: Scheduled Maintenance Notification from NORDUnet Status
To: <monika.allov-andersson(a)sunet.se>
Scheduled Maintenance Reminder NORDUnet Status
*Title:* Infrastructure Maintenance (Kaltura, Zoom)
*Planned Start:* November 30, 2024 07:00 UTC
*Expected End:* December 1, 2024 20:00 UTC
*Affected Infrastructure*
*Components:* Zoom, Kaltura
*Locations:* Mediaspace, Transcoding, Live streaming, On-Premise,
Recording, REACH, Analytics
There will be an infrastructure maintenance in Denmark.
This was previously planned over two weekends doing one datacenter per
Now both datacenters will be done on one weekend.
The operation requires all nodes of the clusters to be in maintenance mode
at the same time, which in practical terms means that the cluster will be
"shut down".
And in order for this to happen, all VMs in the clusters will have to be
powered off for the duration.
Downtime is expected during the maintenance window on Saturday. Sunday is
- Kaltura will be completely down during the operation.
- Zoom Cloud Recordings might have longer delivery time.
- Zoom Virtual Room Connector Load Balancers will be down.
Users can either use the Public Cloud CRC or use the Hybrid CRC servers
dk-bal-zp2-hcrc-001 A
dk-bal-zp2-hcrc-002 A
dk-bal-zp2-hcrc-003 A
se-tug-zp3-hcrc-001 A
se-tug-zp3-hcrc-002 A
se-tug-zp3-hcrc-003 A
dk-ore2-zp5-hcrc-001 A
dk-ore2-zp5-hcrc-002 A
dk-ore2-zp5-hcrc-003 A
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Hej alla!
Som ni har sett så är problemet med cloud recordings äntligen löst. Det har
dessutom dykt upp en hel massa inspelningar som gjordes för längesen som nu
finns hos användaren.
Alla inspelningar gjorda före 7 september som inte har dykt upp, kommer
inte att göra det.
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare - Utbildningsstödjande tjänster
System administrator - Educational Services
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Se nedan.
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare - Utbildningsstödjande tjänster
System administrator - Educational Services
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Från: NORDUnet Status Notification <
Date: mån 25 nov. 2024 kl 11:12
Subject: Status Notification from NORDUnet Status
To: <monika.allov-andersson(a)sunet.se>
Incident Update NORDUnet Status
*Current Status:* Operational
*Started:* September 2, 2024 12:22 UTC
*Affected Infrastructure*
*Components:* Zoom
*Locations:* Recording
The final problem, ref. last weeks update, has been resolved and everything
is back to normal operation, with 0 recordings being lost this week.
It has also been possible to recover most of the old missing recordings and
these have been processed as well.
For now we consider the issue to be resolved. A permanent solution will be
deployed later.
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| Visit Status Page <https://status.nordu.net>
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Hej alla.
Senaste uppdateringen från NORDUnet om Zoom Cloud Recording
Med vänliga hälsningar,
Peter Häggstrand
Från: Jørgen Qvist <qvist(a)nordu.net>
Datum: fredag 22 november 2024 09:03
Ämne: [Mediagroup] Zoom on-premise recording issue update 20241122
OBS: Detta mail kommer från en avsändare utanför din organisation.
The final problem, ref. last weeks update, has been resolved and everything is back to normal operation, with 0 recordings being lost this week.
It has also been possible to recover most of the old missing recordings and these have been processed as well.
For now we consider the issue to be resolved. A permanent solution will be deployed later.
Unless something changes this is the last update in the series.
Jørgen Qvist
email: qvist(a)nordu.net
mobile: +45-31621400
Please read NORDUnets Data Protection Policy - https://nordu.net/privacy-policy/ & Legal Notice - https://nordu.net/legal-notice/
On 16 Nov 2024, at 20.12, Jørgen Qvist <qvist(a)nordu.net> wrote:
Sorry about the delayed update.
Things are continuing to improve. The changes made last week has uncovered an NFS permission problem on the recording servers that Zoom has been able to reproduce. A fix for this will be deployed over the weekend.
Again, we will monitor this closely,,,
Next update Friday November 22’nd.
Jørgen Qvist
email: qvist(a)nordu.net
mobile: +45-31621400
Please read NORDUnets Data Protection Policy - https://nordu.net/privacy-policy/ & Legal Notice - https://nordu.net/legal-notice/
Hej alla!
Se nedan.
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare - Utbildningsstödjande tjänster
System administrator - Educational Services
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Från: NORDUnet Status Notification <
Date: mån 18 nov. 2024 kl 09:53
Subject: Status Notification from NORDUnet Status
To: <monika.allov-andersson(a)sunet.se>
Incident Update NORDUnet Status
*Current Status:* Degraded Performance
*Started:* September 2, 2024 12:22 UTC
*Affected Infrastructure*
*Components:* Zoom
*Locations:* Recording
Things are continuing to improve. The changes made last week has uncovered
an NFS permission problem on the recording servers that Zoom has been able
to reproduce. A fix for this was deployed over the weekend.
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| Visit Status Page <https://status.nordu.net>
Powered by Status.io <https://status.io>
Hej alla!
Ny uppdatering gällande problemen med cloud-recordings.
Sorry about the delayed update.
Things are continuing to improve. The changes made last week have uncovered
an NFS permission problem on the recording servers that Zoom has been able
to reproduce. A fix for this will be deployed over the weekend.
Again, we will monitor this closely,,,
Next update Friday November 22’nd.
Jørgen Qvist
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare - Utbildningsstödjande tjänster
System administrator - Educational Services
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58
Hej alla!
Se nedan.
Skickat från min iPhone
> Ämne: [Mediagroup] Re: Zoom on-premise recording issue update 20241101
> All,
> Unfortunately the change to the storage hardware and logical infrastructure did not resolve the problem.
> We did however uncover a problem where the recorders are started before the NFS mounts are fully setup. We have tried to implement a fix for this and we are currently seeing an improvement of the situation.
> We will monitor this closely.
> Next update Friday November 15, late as I will be travelling back from the US.
> Brgds,
> Jørgen Qvist
> Please read NORDUnets Data Protection Policy - https://nordu.net/privacy-policy/ & Legal Notice - https://nordu.net/legal-notice/
> _______________________________________________
> Mediagroup mailing list -- mediagroup(a)lists.nordu.net
> To unsubscribe send an email to mediagroup-leave(a)lists.nordu.net
Det här kom i fredags:
Unfortunately the new version of the Recording Connector did not resolve
the problem.
Zoom is continuing to work on a solution at their end.
NORDUnet has in a maintenance window Thursday October 31, made changes to
the Recording Nodes storage hardware and logical infrastructure, for two of
the operational Zoom Zones. We will monitor the impact before making
further changes.
Next update Friday November 8.
Jørgen Qvist
Monika Allöv Andersson
Systemförvaltare - Utbildningsstödjande tjänster
System administrator - Educational Services
Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network
Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council
Phone: +46 72 394 78 58