Torsdagen den 25 maj bjuder KVA:s Klass för humaniora och Centrum för vetenskapshistoria till ett seminarium om experimentalfonetikens tidiga historia, från mitten på 1800-talet och c:a 100 år framåt. Det blir särskilt fokus på Armando de Lacerdas arbete och symposiet avslutas med boksläpp av "The global periphery:Armando de Lacerda and the Coimbra Experimental Phonetics Laboratory (1936-1979)", av vetenskspshistoriken Quintino Lopes, University Évora, Portugal.
För anmälan och allmän information om symposiet följ länken nedan:
Östen, Arne, Kalle och Frasse
The Department of History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University, invites applications to the course ”Histories of Scientific Racism” (7.5 credits), to be taught on campus in Uppsala during Autumn term 2023. Master’s and PhD students from the historical disciplines and beyond are welcome to apply. Any questions about the course can be addressed to the course coordinator Petter Hellström (petter.hellstrom(a)idehist.uu.se<mailto:petter.hellstrom@idehist.uu.se>) or to the Director of Studies for advanced level Orsi Husz (orsi.husz(a)idehist.uu.se<mailto:orsi.husz@idehist.uu.se>). Teachers on the course include Sven Widmalm and Linda Andersson Burnett.
Histories of Scientific Racism, 7.5 credits
Advanced course offered by the Department of History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University, Autumn 2023 (period 1)
This advanced course, open to students at the master’s or doctoral level, examines the historical development of scientific racism from the 18th century to the first half of the 20th century. The overarching purpose is to investigate how the ideas and practices of scientific racism have been constructed and developed over time, both in relation to the more general history of science, and to social processes of profound importance to the history of scientific racism, including colonialism and imperialism, the institutionalisation and abolishment of slavery, secularisation and the enlightenment, nationalism and democratisation.
The expression “scientific racism” is not limited, in this context, to race biology, but is used more broadly to denote attempts at applying scientific methods to divide humankind into distinct groups, and to decide the characteristics of those groups in relation to one another. The course is chronologically and thematically organised into a series of modules, which range from the emergence of the concept of race within 18th-century natural history, to the enactment of race in early 20th-century genetics and eugenics. Particular emphasis is afforded to the early history of scientific racism, the religious legacy, and the interplay between different fields of enquiry, including natural history and biology, philology, anthropology, archaeology, and medicine. The reading and analysis of primary sources is a central feature of the course.
The course consists of lectures and seminars; it is examined by way of written assignments and by active participation in the seminars. The language of instruction is English. We welcome applicants from the historical disciplines and beyond, including the medical and biological sciences.
Course details are available in the Uppsala University course catalogue<https://www.uu.se/en/admissions/freestanding-courses/course/?kKod=5LH011&ty…>, and applications can be filed at universityadmissions.se<https://www.universityadmissions.se/intl/start>. PhD students are encouraged to write directly to the course coordinator<mailto:petter.hellstrom@idehist.uu.se>.
Please note that this is a historical course about racism. While we will not tolerate expressions in support of racist or otherwise prejudiced opinions, applicants are advised that the nature of the course means course participants will be exposed to deeply offensive materials as a part of their study.
Petter Hellström<https://katalog.uu.se/profile/?id=N12-227>, PhD
Researcher, Department of History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University
Research lead, Unmapping Africa<https://www.idehist.uu.se/research/projects/unmapping-africa/>
Academia<https://uppsala.academia.edu/nph> | Linkedin<https://www.linkedin.com/in/petter-hellstr%C3%B6m-7209581a5/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/nphellstrom>
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Här ett budskap västerifrån.
Henrik Björck
professor i idé- och lärdomshistoria
Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion
(Dept. of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion)
Göteborgs universitet
Box 200
SE-405 30 Göteborg (Sweden)
tel +46 (0)31-786 1929
Från: Kristin Asdal <kristin.asdal(a)tik.uio.no>
Soon application deadline for the phd-position in STS at TIK. Do not hesitate to spread the word, before the deadline😊 Kristin
PhD Fellowship in Science and Technology Studies (241205) | University of Oslo (jobbnorge.no)<https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/241205/phd-fellowship-in-sci…>
Kristin Asdal
Professor and Centre Director
TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture
Social Science Faculty
University of Oslo
Institutionen för idéhistoria, Uppsala Universitet, utlyser en doktorandtjänst i idéhistoria
Jenny Andersson
Department of the History of Ideas and Science
Uppsala University
Program leader, Neoliberalism in the Nordics
När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/
E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/data-protection-policy
9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science<https://www.muv.uio.no/forskning/the-norwegian-conference-on-the-history-of…>
November 29 - December 2, 2023
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Call for Papers
Short Years, Long Years, and Round Years: Anniversaries in the History of Science
The organizers invite papers on any aspect of the history of science, technology or medicine and particularly welcome papers engaging with the issue of anniversaries, broadly defined.
Historians can be ambivalent about anniversaries. On one hand, they offer an opportunity to reassess and mobilize interest in topics that otherwise would not receive widespread attention. Anniversaries are an occasion to reflect on the enduring importance of history to the contemporary world and are frequently used to argue for funding specific projects. On the other hand, not all topics of historical interest have anniversaries; anniversaries may isolate topics from their historical context or facilitate an arbitrary juxtaposition of past and present; and they may foster expectations that the past must be celebrated rather than critically analyzed. Such topics are fundamental to historical inquiry, prompting reflection on the relationships between scholars and audiences, between research and social context - including teaching - and between events of the past and the imperatives of the present.
We welcome submissions from scholars at all career stages and based in all parts of the world, and especially from early career researchers. Proposals for sessions may take the form of individual paper submissions, panels consisting of multiple contributions, or roundtable discussions. We also invite submissions for more practically oriented workshop sessions aimed at sharing experiences and best practices related to teaching and dissemination of history of science. To encourage discussion, individual papers should not exceed twenty minutes in length. The language of the conference is English.
Deadline for submissions June 1.
For more information, see conference webpage<https://www.muv.uio.no/forskning/the-norwegian-conference-on-the-history-of…>
Contact person: Annette Lykknes (annette.lykknes(a)ntnu.no<mailto:annette.lykknes@ntnu.no>)
Här kommer CFP från Lychnos.
Här har det skett en avgörande förändring då Lychnos övergått till löpande digital publicering av artiklar som avses för tidskriftens öppna del (alltså finns inte längre en fast deadline att förhålla sig till). Vi välkomnar därför inlämning av bidrag när som helst under året och vår ambition är att tiden från det att en artikel skickas in, till det att ett redaktionellt beslut är fattat och den kan publiceras "online first", inte ska ta mer än tre månader. Så skicka gärna in ert bidrag så snart som möjligt så finns möjlighet att inom en snar framtid ha en vetenskaplig artikel publicerad!
Hoppas alla sett det nya numret! https://tidskriftenlychnos.se/
Jenny och Erland
Erland Mårald
Professor in History of Science and Ideas
Department of Historical,
Philosophical and Religious Studies
Umeå University
+46 907866545
By sending an email to Umeå University, the University processes your personal data.
For more information, please read: www.umu.se/en/gdpr<http://www.umu.se/en/gdpr>