I realised I sent the following to the wrong address when John replied
about bandit ;)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ivan Kanakarakis <ivan.kanak at gmail.com>
Date: 23 January 2018 at 17:05
Subject: Re: [Idpy-discuss] Coding style. Was: Re: Notes: idpy dev
meeting, 16 January 2018
To: discuss at
On 22 January 2018 at 12:41, Ivan Kanakarakis <ivan.kanak at gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
flake8[0] is a wrapper that is enforcing a coding style using PEP8,
and additionally does code analysis using pyflakes to catch bugs (eg
undeclared variables) or leftovers (eg unused variables). It
integrates well with different IDEs and also with the Syntastic vim
plugin[1]. This article[2] goes into some details about flake8, PEP8
and pyflakes.
I would strongly recommend to start using flake8 and progressively
make style-changes to the code.
Along with PEP8 and pyflakes there is Bandit[0] by the OpenStack organisation.
quote from site:
Bandit is a security linter for Python source code
Among other things, Bandit does security checks and generates reports
with errors/warning for things like outdate versions of projects,
known CVEs, insecure usage of code like spawning shells etc
Bandit integrates well with flake8[1] and thus with vim-syntastic as
presented in the previous email.
Another code quality tool I've been looking at is sonarqube[2]. I have
not looked into that tool much, I will try to find time to review it
quote from "[Idpy-discuss] Notes, idpy dev
meeting, 23 January 2018"
PEP8 is a start, but need some higher level constraints on things like variable names.
I understand this, but this does not concern syntax, but semantics. As
such, it cannot be enforced by a tool. A tool cannot know what one
wants to imply by a variable name, a tool can only enforce things like
"a variable name must be at least 4 characters". While this is
something we would like to have, it can only be enforced by manual
review as currently done on Github.
We cannot expect everything to be automated and checked, but we can
have something along those lines written down, much like what Scott
presented with the "Coding Practices" page of CoManage. We should
establish our toolset and see how far we can get with that, then write
down everything else as a list of things to watch out in code reviews.
Ivan c00kiemon5ter Kanakarakis >:3
Ivan c00kiemon5ter Kanakarakis >:3