On Wed, 29 Aug 2018 at 10:47, Niels van Dijk <niels.vandijk at surfnet.nl> wrote:
Hi all,
For some time I have been wondering what is the best practice for
developing on SaToSa. And I have no doubt I lack experience with
developing in phyton, so that probably does not help either.
I would kindly ask you to share how you set this up.
Within my projects I typically have a pool of developers who are
onboarded for a project and may go away after it is finished. Developing
on satosa alone does not really make sense unless you also have an IDP
or OP and an SP or RP depending a bit on what needs to be done. In
addition you might need a MDQ and a WAYF service, e.g. based on pyFF. In
an effort to minimize the overhead of setting all of that up, I have
created a set of dockers that have ready made IdP, SP, RP and pyFF
components so this can just be started and it works. Clearly a bit of
work needs to go into making sure that all the bits know about each
other so client registration and saml metadata needs to be synced
between the various components.
We have the satosa-developer repository[0] that does what you
describe. It is a docker-compose file that pulls in docker images that
run each component, plus configuration files. The compose file wires
everything together and spins up the services. Note, the sources
directory will load local source files if present which comes handy. I
believe it needs some love and some more work to make it easier to
use, but it is a good first step ;) I do have some rough plans to
extend this to facilitate more services (ie MDQ) plus development
tools, but it is low-priority.
For SaToSa the container model however does not really work well, as I
have set it up currently. Typically I want to use a git repo as the
source of my codebase. Deploying this codebase with "pip install"
directly pulls it from git into the container and this works well, but
now modifying the code is really cumbersome as the code is now buried
deep inside the python libraries directory structure, and in addition I
can no longer directly commit or push my changes from within the docker
container towards git.
An alternative model where I deploy the codebase on my local disk, push
changes from there into git and then after each change rebuild the
container is even more annoying. There must be better ways to deal with
this, but I have not figured that out :(
Any suggestion of best practices of how to set up a "proper" dev
environment for SaToSa, preferably in combination with docker?
This is not specific to SaToSa. Docker was built with deployment in
mind. It is all about creating an isolated environment. For
development purposes it lacks. The very purpose of docker -creating an
isolated env- is in contradiction with ease of development; one no
longer can use their preferred tools and configs, it must all be
set-up from the start (but there is a reason for that).
From first look, it seems like one can develop locally
and have all
dependencies inside docker. Development happens outside docker, but
all dependency-services run in docker containers (WebServers,
Databases, Queues, Schedulers, etc). However, this hides an
assumption: the project must be a central and autonomous component
(SaToSa fits this) which is often not the case (ie pysaml2 cannot be
development that way).
What we would like is, a way to run a container but also be able to
modify its contents using our tools. This hints "shared data". This is
what we actually want: share the local repository files with the
container, and run that code. This brings in a chain of things that
need to be done:
- share data with the container
- install the component from the shared data/code
- signal changes in the code in order to reload the runtime
* Sharing data with a docker container is done by using volumes[1].
Volumes offer great flexibility as to the storage system utilized; it
actually decouples the storage from the container. By sharing the
local repository directory, any changes made to the repository from
the host, are reflected in the container in real time.
* SaToSa is a python project. Installing the local project for
development (and not pulling in from pypi or other repositories we do
not control) is done with
pip install -e . # or, python ./setup.py develop
This will install the local code and allow any changes to it, to be
reflected to the installed package.
The other way to achieve this, is to mount (again using volumes) the
virtualenv directory and set PYTHONPATH appropriately. That way, one
does not need to invoke pip or python. The dependencies have already
been setup locally on the host, and that installation is shared with
the container. This can present some problems, especially if the
dependencies use C-bindings and expect to find certain header files.
* SaToSa runs as a service. The service aspect is covered by gunicorn.
Thankfully, gunicorn includes a 'reload' option that "restart workers
when code changes."[2] By utilizing this option we can have SaToSa
reload automatically when the repository code changes.
By combining these, we can develop using our own tools locally on the
host, have the changes reflected on the container and the service
restart as needed.
The above are some of the things I would want to bring into
satosa-developer. It is only part of what is needed to use docker
efficiently for development. When a team is working together there are
more needs, like sharing development tools and build-tool
configurations, enforcing code style and run linters with appropriate
checks, etc. Docker can help with that too, but that is a broader
If you have already created containers that setup these components
(and more :) I would be great to share them and integrate them into
satosa-developer (and we can ask Johan to help with that).
Hopefully the above will give you a direction on how to use docker
efficiently. It is my view on the tool and I would be interested to
read how other people use it. Note that docker is not the only tool
that implements a container; other tools exist (given not as trending)
which have goals other than deployment and which might be better
suited for development (the same way other package managers than pip
for python exist; see conda which is really interesting).
Ivan c00kiemon5ter Kanakarakis >:3