Ivan, Giuseppe, Johan, John, Scott, Heather, Davide Brunato
0 - Agenda bash
idpy funding - how are we funded? entirely in-kind work. It's a big lift to start a
fundraising project, and to find people who can write the quality of code we need are hard
to find. We would need something like two FTE for a couple of years.
• Sunet will be hiring a new person, and there will be some more dedicated time from that
1 - Governance policy updates
Added clarity to what we're expecting with regards to adding and supporting projects
within idpy, as discussed on previous calls (e.g., semver, change logs, etc). Group is
encouraged to review these
2 - GitHub review
a. OIDC - (JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP,
JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
A big merge request is coming re: session management, which will effect the whole
b. Satosa -
c. pySAML2 -
Hannah is working on the readthedocs for pySAML2. Expect to see a pull request soon.
Had discussions on slack on how to restructure the core of pySAML2; see thread starting 30
January 2021. Ivan suggests working on this in two phase: change how we consume XML docs,
and how we produce XML docs.
• for the consuming side, changing this is fairly easy, and some of this was done with the
security changes via xmlschema.
• for the producing side, the latest version of xmlschema has some ability to help us
here. We also can consider xsdata that reads schema and creates classes.
• xsdata + pydantic would be a great combination of features to support the necessary
validation for the objects we build.
• Ivan will post on slack example use cases for what would be most useful.
• There is some concern whether not using bindings will reduce the flexibility of the
objects and the way we can work with them.
• Can xmlschema work alongside xsdata classes? We would be able to use xsdata as a
converter. Uncertain; need to test.
d. pyFF -
3 - AOB
Thanks! Heather