Ivan, Giuseppe, Roland, Scott, Heather, JohnP
1 - Governance policy updates
• no comment on the PR; next step to send these to the Board for approval
• djangosaml2 status - need to make sure the maintainers are good with the revised
governance policies
2 - GitHub review
a. OIDC - (JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP,
JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
Roland and team are still working on the session management system. Particular thanks to
Nikos for the hours he's put into this.
Roland is looking at dpop ( which
is a way to bind tokens to clients so a resource server can check that the token came from
the client that received the token. It uses http headers and puts a signed json web token
in it. The source code can't do much with http headers, so some additional
functionality is required. Will there be a signature on the header? It's using Proof
of Possession. The json web token has as the payload a representation fo the public key
that the token was signed with.
b. Satosa -
Travis-ci (, a hosted service used during integration testing)
is still not working properly. Ivan has reached out to the platform maintainers, but has
not heard back.
Doing work in eduTEAMS, including different errors for users. Goal is to catch the errors
(since we know about them) and exposing new exception types so we can handle the errors
better. Will introduce a handler for the errors (a module that the admins can write to
make explicit what they want to have happen with a given defined error). This will also
result in better logging.
c. pySAML2 -
See discussions on idpy #saml slack channel.
Ivan is working on the encryption and signature parts. This is the priority for pySAML2
for now.
d. pyFF -
3 - AOB
• Python version support - Roland received a PR from a developer of cryptJWT, and in that
included deprecating Python 3.6 because there is an EOL on 3.6 coming up at the end of
this year. When we know of an official EOL for any components in our project, when should
we deprecate it out of our projects? Before it reaches EOL, or shortly after?
• Scott suggests we try to wait on the timeline to transition of 3.6 until 4Q 2021;
some active platforms (NIAID/NIH) out there depend heavily on Centos7, and they can get
python 3.6 from that associated repository. Getting python 3.7, however, is harder. They
are in process to transitioning to a docker-based architecture, but it will take them
several months to get there.
• Why do we need to deprecate 3.6? Are we blocked on functionality in the language?
Deprecating means we're not going to test it or patch against that version. We've
also talked about basing our code on what's in Debian stable, and that Debian comes
with python 3.7. We should have a plan on the transition and be prepared to notify users
(announcing on Slack and the mailing list).
• Next steps: we will start the communications process in September/October to let
people know this is going to happen, announce in a couple of releases, then make it
Thanks! Heather