Ivan, Giuseppe, Heather, Hannah Sebuliba, John P, Roland
0 - Agenda bash
1 - Governance policy updates
• Joseph has transferred the djangosaml2 to the GitHub repository page
• idpy Board meeting next Thursday
2 - GitHub review
b. Satosa -
Merged a few things, but nothing major. We have a new person contributing to the code
based, contributing new microservices and working with the OIDC backend.
• - feat: add support for the Scoping
element and RequesterID in SAML2 backend
Question re: does SATOSA have support for SLO on the roadmap? Not right now, though Ivan
recognizes we need to look at this. See
also There are different types and
methods to initiate logout, but it all comes down to a best-effort activity for the user.
c. pySAML2 -
Ivan has been looking at the PRs for both pySAML2 and Satosa and have merged some.
• - Handle all types of ACS endpoint
• - Raise SAMLError on failure to parse
a metadata file
• - Invalid Destination URL Exception
• - InvalidAssertion Exception
• - Response with unvalued
AudienceRestriction (Condition) Handling
• - Minor bug fix to metadata function
in example IdP
Changes still under discussion:
• - [Strengthen Encryption] PySAML2
Encrypted Assertions now works with Shibboleth SP 3 - note that we will not be using RSA,
but instead using RSA OAEP as generally recommended. Switching to RSA OAEP is a breaking
The main thing we need to work on more are the encryption pieces. More work needs to be
done around signing, and how we configure metadata and internal processing about which
algorithms we accept. This is close to being wrapped up, and then Ivan will focus on how
to encrypt the payloads. Right now we depend on xmlsec1, writing files, etc. Given our
recent security issues were a result of how xmlsec1 behaves, this whole set of
functionality must change. We have all the pieces we need to do this ourselves, without
relying on a library like xmlsec1. We can focus purely on something that meets the need
and requirements of SAML.
eIDAS requires specific algorithms be supported, and those algorithms are not supported by
xmlsec1. This is another issue for us. This will be a new security backend for pySAML2,
and xmlsec1 will be kept as an option.
What about pyXMLsecurity ( This is a side
project. It was initially planned to be used by pySAML2 but it was never extended to
include all the operations expected. It support signing and verification, but there is no
encryption/decryption support, and even the signing needs more work. The code is messy.
Some of Ivan's new ideas, though, will be taken from here (e.g., low level processes).
We don't know if this code is being used by anyone in production.
d. pyFF -
No update
a. OIDC - (JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP,
JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
Roland is waiting for Nikos to sign off on the OIDC endpoint. When Nikos signs off, the
project will start using that new code and Roland will need to update the documentation.
The OIDF has raised the fee for doing certification. They continue to discuss whether open
source implementations should be able to go through certification, the challenge being how
to define "open source". OIDF is willing to waive the fee for Identity Python.
Roland will not try to certify for FAPI (Finance) unless we hear of a financial
institution that uses our code that would require it.
The OIDC Federation spec is an implementer's draft right now. Roland is working with
Mike Jones to edit some pieces, but it is largely stable. Hoping to get the vote kicked
off to bring it up to a standard level soon (next month or so).
3 - AOB
Reminder: Daylight Saving Time clock skew about to start. Our next call will be March 23 @
13:00 UTC.
Thanks! Heather