just cut pyFF 2.0.0 - its up on pypi and
github.com/SUNET/docker-pyff has been updated to
support building 2.0.0. The most important difference is of course that 2.0.0 has
undergone extensive cleaning. All frontend applications - ie the admin UI and discovery
service - have been given their own separate projects and pyFF is now an API server first
and foremost. The admin UI is called
github.com/SUNET/mdq-browser and the DS is famously
github.com/TheIdentitySelector/thiss-js from the
seamlessaccess.org project.
Over the next few days I will spend some time updating the documentation - which has
become a bit out of date - esp with more examples to illustrate a lot of the features that
are part of pyFF but are sometimes less well known.
Another news for 2.0.0 is that support for python before v 3.7 has been dropped.
Thanks! Heather