Ivan, Johan L., Heather, Christos, Rainer
0. Agenda bash
1. PR status and upcoming code releases
- Satosa (Satosa PRs -
- Satosa microservices
- pySAML (
- pyFF (
## satosa
- satosa configuration
A small fix, but had Ivan looking deeper into how to configure Satosa,
pySAML, etc. So, did a small rewrite (see (no
PR yet)). Part of the configuration is how we configure secrets and
microservices. See:
- where do configuration secrets go
See email about the environment variables. Note that the proposed fix
will result in having to restart Satosa when environment variables are
changed or set.
- satosa micro-services as plugins
planning to write about this to the list; for both front end and
back end modules. Doing this via “entry points”, part of setuptools.
Satosa will define group names, then each plug in can define its entry
point (which function will run when invoked). This will work for
backend (SP), frontend (IdP), request microservices, and response
- demo
- Ivan still needs to look into the ordering of micro services
(what order they need to run). Expect more info on the list
- pySAML will likely be handled the same way with the revised
configuration method
- an IE11 cookie issue that had been reported by Rainer
These can be merged now. The idea behind the fix is that the state
module produces a satosa state error; it catches the new error and
exposes it so the state module can handle it.
After these changes, Satosa can have a new release. This will help the
security review team have a solid place to start.
## pysaml2
- new cryptography module for pysaml2
A GitHub engineer indicated he was going to send a security warning to
everyone that had downloaded pySAML2. Ivan has come up with a fix, which
should fix the changes that the engineer asked for. Will be using Please review (especially if
you have any crypto experience).
- some deprecation warnings that surfaced
Changed in version python 3.7: DeprecationWarning is once again shown by
default when triggered directly by code in __main__.
One warning is still persisting if you use the defusedxml library; that
is not being maintained.
PR 498 - - Ivan is
also working on this one.
Ivan will be merging some of these by the end of this week or early next
week; there will be new releases for both pySAML and Satosa next week
(Wednesday or Thursday).
2. AOB
Security review update - Michael has asked a few questions about where
to start looking; Ivan will respond. Ivan will also be reviewing the
incident response guidelines before we make public.
Next call: 7 August 2018 (HF, Johan, Scott are unavailable) ; Ivan,
Christos are available. Ivan will make the call as to whether there are
enough items to hold a call.