Heather, Johan, Ivan, John P, Scott, Hannah, Giuseppe, Roland
0. Agenda bash <> domain issue - Leif is working on it
Board continues as is, with Roland, Mike, Chris, and Ivan agreeing to serve for a new
two-year term.
Reminder: Hackathon/Workshop on March 23; please register! Ivan will be sending out
information with more guidance on what work will be targeted that day.
The idpy BoF was rejected from TNC20. Space too limited.
1. GitHub review
a. OIDC - <>
(JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP, JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
Libraries are moved to the IdentityPython repository. Coding activity is in progress.
There are some issues with Satosa in relation to the OIDC endpoint; GRNET is putting
effort into fixing this.
Roland is working on a few things in the libraries: pushed authentication, identity
assurance (see
<> and
mutual TLS
b. Satosa -
Not a lot of progress since the last call. Have been discussing some of the common
components between this and a new eduTEAMS project. There is a dependency between the
proxy and services that live outside the proxy. Part of the discussion is how to define a
common pattern/API on the info sent out to the services. May be encoding this information
using SCIM ( <>). This would
allow other services to get info from the proxy as well, since SCIM is a standardized
model. Ivan will have more information on the wiki soon (and will send to the list)
c. pySAML2 -
Signing encryption/decryption, and the names of identifier attributes: Ivan created a PR
about this (
<>). Would like for people to test
that and see if it works for them. It is not following the specs closely, but it shouldn’t
cause problems. Ivan will hold off merging it until there has been more testing.
Will be merging:
And then will have a new release.
SameSite cookie handling -
See also discussion on Slack (
This will be part of the code; no other changes will be needed by deployers. Target
release before end of February
d. pyFF -
No update
2. AOB
Next call scheduled for 18 February 2020