On 8/23/2022 3:03 AM, Roland Hedberg wrote:
We really, really need to rework the documentation...
But let’s start
Could we at least agree on a layout, a set of chapters and in what order.
I agree, but to reiterate what I said during the dev call today, I think
even this task is too big.
I will focus my efforts on expanding the documentation strings for
pysaml2 classes and methods that I've used recently, particularly
saml2.config.IdPConfig and saml2.server.Server. Docstrings are used by
integrated development environments to provide contextual help, and
they'd be the basis of the docs website's reference section. The
current docstrings are bare function call signatures with no type
information or usage guidance, so I think expanding them would be
immediately beneficial to library users and developers alike.
Best wishes,