Hi Enrique and all,
Finally there was some discussion on pyFF's issue 289 [2] (When an
entity is loaded from 2 sources, entity data from the 1st source is
lost). I started by showing some "proof of concept" code (just around 15
lines, see [3]) that addresses this issue.
A few concerns with this issue were discussed:
* How do consumers (MDQ service) deal when they have duplicates in the
metadata and are asked for some particular entity? In thiss-mdq, when
the metadata is loaded, entities are deduplicated, but some number of
(multivalued) entity attributes are merged.
* What happens when one entityID present in 2 md sources correspond to
different entities (name collisions)? This is a difficult problem, but
somewhat orthogonal to the issue, since in the current pyFF form, it
is also present (currently, one of the entities would just dissapear).
* Can this be abused, if federation A has less strict requirements for
some entity attribute than federation B? Yes possibly, this would need
some risk assessment by the working group; some of the metadata would
not be affected, for example registrationAuthority.
As far as I know, the mechanism for trying to merge metadata for two entities with the
same entityID has not been attempted before in a production environment, precisely because
of the last two issues you raise.
- eduGAIN has a precedence algorithm that chooses one of the entities according to a
precedence algorithm. These clashes can be shown on the entities database:
https://technical.edugain.org/entities and choose "only clashes" from the entity
clashes drop-down. It turns out there are some 3-way collisions in the eduGAIN upstream so
I'd advise that any algorithm you build allows for arbitrary numbers of entities with
the same entityID.
- The UK federation has a collision avoidance algorithm which is complementary to
Your last sentence talks about registrationAuthority, which I think is a very interesting
point. The registrationAuthority string indicates which organisation takes responsibility
and liability for the entity's metadata. So when pyFF merges metadata from multiple
registrationAuthorities, which is the one that you will take? The SAML V2.0 Metadata
Extensions for Registration and Publication Information spec [4] has two things to take
into account:
- The <mdrpi:RegistrationInfo> element MUST NOT appear more than once
- registrationAuthority is the unique identifier of the authority that registered the
What's the "working group" you mention in your last issue? I do think the
issue of merging metadata needs to be explored more. Perhaps I should join the IdPy
developers call on Monday?
Alex S
In the end, we agreed that more discussion is needed to reach a
difinitive conclussion, and that any solution is going to carry problems
that can at most only be mitigated but not fully solved.
Best regards,
Enrique Pérez Arnaud
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Alex Stuart (he/him)
Trust and Identity technical architect
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