Finally there was some discussion on pyFF's issue 289 [2] (When an
entity is loaded from 2 sources, entity data from the 1st source is
lost). I started by showing some "proof of concept" code (just around 15
lines, see [3]) that addresses this issue.
A few concerns with this issue were discussed:
* How do consumers (MDQ service) deal when they have duplicates in the
metadata and are asked for some particular entity? In thiss-mdq, when
the metadata is loaded, entities are deduplicated, but some number of
(multivalued) entity attributes are merged.
* What happens when one entityID present in 2 md sources correspond to
different entities (name collisions)? This is a difficult problem, but
somewhat orthogonal to the issue, since in the current pyFF form, it
is also present (currently, one of the entities would just dissapear).
* Can this be abused, if federation A has less strict requirements for
some entity attribute than federation B? Yes possibly, this would need
some risk assessment by the working group; some of the metadata would
not be affected, for example registrationAuthority.
In the end, we agreed that more discussion is needed to reach a
difinitive conclussion, and that any solution is going to carry problems
that can at most only be mitigated but not fully solved.
Best regards,
1.- https://github.com/IdentityPython/pyFF/issues/291
2.- https://github.com/IdentityPython/pyFF/issues/289
3.- https://github.com/enriquepablo/pyFF/commit/0fb326d6043c1a3c6c2bb9a431cf4a98e600270f
Enrique Pérez Arnaud
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