On 2017-10-03 22:04, Scott Koranda wrote:
Skickat från min iPhone
3 okt. 2017 kl. 21:17 skrev Rainer Hoerbe
<rainer at hoerbe.at>:
> Am 01.10.2017 um 22:27 schrieb Leif Johansson
<leifj at sunet.se>:
> Because of the Internet2 TechX meeting I will not be able to travel in
> October, though the week that begins October 30 would be OK.
That doesn't sound too bad... week before the IETF. Everybody comes to
SUNET for a couple of days?
To plan a couple weeks ahead it would be nice to find consensus on the dates. Would Oct
30 - Nov 1 work? (@Stockholm)
Maybe its too tight... I suggest we look at dates in December.
For what it is worth, my preference is for that week that begins October
30, but I can also look into December.
I do have a conflict December 7 - 12.
Scott K
Looking at calendars I don't believe we can pull this together
sufficiently soon for it to make sense to have a dev meeting
before TIIME.
So I think we should just talk to Rainer, reserve a full day
of work at TIIME and maybe try to have a couple of VCs (maybe
even a regular bi-weekly project call) until then.
What say you all?
Cheers Leif