I would also include the following pysaml2 PRs:
#483 Enable signature verification for MDQ
#485 Add want_assertions_or_response_signed functionality
Those are both mine.
I am in the process of writing tests for #485.
#172 is adding a new feature using a flag - it is
standalone and could
be merged.
I have not gone into it much, but it is an interesting case to start
with a proposal I wanted to make:
«each pull request should describe a problem and a solution on a non
technical level»
So, each PR's description could be rewritten as:
- Problem
We want to achieve this and that. This is needed because this and that.
- Solution
By adding/modifying this and that we can do this and that
This should also be reflected on the commits.
Unfortunately this is on Scott again, and I don't want him to feel bad
by me giving him more work to do.
I won't feel bad, but I have a requirement first. :-)
My requirement is that your requirement on the pull request format be
documented somewhere. I suggest either the GitHub wiki for the project
or under the IdPy web space.
Once it is documented please point me to it and I will follow it for
that PR. It will allow us to test the documentation of your proposal.