I’ll be at TechEx and would find value in that. I’ve not been able to attend previous
Thank you!
From: Heather Flanagan <hlflanagan(a)sphericalcowgroup.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2022 3:34 PM
To: Identity Python <idpy-discuss(a)lists.sunet.se>
Subject: [Idpy-discuss] Fwd: [TAC-InC] FW: TechEx22 - Tutorials and Workshops - Deadline
July 15th
Hi all,
Is anyone planning to attend TechEx in December? If so, would there be any interest in an
idpy workshop?
Thanks! Heather
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Jul 5, 2022, 11:29 AM -0700
To: request@internet2.edu<mailto:request@internet2.edu>
Please consider this the ‘official call’ for pre- and post-2022 Technology Exchange
Tutorials and Workshops, to be held in Denver, December 5-8, at the Sheraton Denver
Downtown. Please take a few minutes to read the information below before submitting.
Submission Deadline: Friday, July 15
TERMS: For the purposes of Internet2 Anchor Events, we consider:
* Tutorials: to be any gathering that is instructional in nature and often offers
hands-on training (i.e., attendees take knowledge away vs. providing advice or expertise),
* Workshops: to be a gathering where the attendees engage in intensive discussion and
activity on a particular subject or project to reach a goal (i.e., develop best-practices
or recommendations, further knowledge around a grant-funded project, etc.).
As such, fees are collected on all Tutorials that cover AV, and refreshments for
attendees. Fees for Workshops are collected only at the direction of the Workshop
submitter, who agrees to be cross-charged for any AV, and refreshments provided if they
exceed the fees collected!
Tutorials and Workshops are different from working meetings (the call for which will go
out in mid-July). Registration for all tutorials and workshops will be integrated into
the Technology Exchange registration process so please respond by the deadline to ensure
we have all the necessary information to set this up prior to going live.
Please submit your requests for:
Tutorials at:
Workshops at:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before submitting your request(s), please consider the schedule detailed
* Tutorials, workshops, and co-located meetings begin on MONDAY, December 5; core days
for track content and working meetings run from Tuesday, December 6 through Thursday,
December 8.
* NOTE: Advance CAMP content continues until 12 Noon on FRIDAY, December 9
Space is allocated on a ‘first come first serve’ basis and is not guaranteed. We have
space available on Monday, December 5 and very limited space on Friday, December 9. In
order to avoid scheduling on any of the core days for track content, we MAY be able to
offer limited space on Sunday afternoon, December 7.
If you aren't planning a workshop yourself but know that a colleague outside of
Internet2 is interested, please notify
meetings@internet2.edu<mailto:meetings@internet2.edu> so that we may contact that
individual and determine their workshop requirements.
Kelly Faro - Manager, Community Events
100 Phoenix Drive, Suite 111
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
(734) 352-7080<tel:%28734%29%20352-7080> Office