Outcomes of idpy developers meeting, 5-6 February 2018
by hlflanagan@sphericalcowgroup.com
1. Agreed to projects to include in idpy (current list = Satosa, pyff,
pySAML, pyXMLsecurity)
1. discussion on the OIDC related ones somewhat dependent on future
governance decisions
3. Agreed to a plan for how to work through existing pull requests
until such time as we have a dedicated benevolent dictator
4. Reviewed three pull requests for Satosa (174, 171, 161)
5. Discussed prioritization for Satosa/pySAML
1. Clean up Satosa code base, including writing tests
1. fixing logging, error handling
2. more structured documentation on how to import microservices
3. Bigger Satosa refactoring
1. pulling out networking; this will almost certainly have to
touch on pySAML and its refactoring
Action items:
1. Governance items
1. Heather to create an evaluation matrix for potential IPR home
based on criteria proposed by Niels, Benn from previous efforts
to look at IPR homes for OpenConext, Cyrus
2. Roland needs to move pySAML to the IdentityPython repository
3. Heather to update idpy.org <http://idpy.org> with GitHub links,
other info from the meeting
4. Satosa updates
1. Martin to split pull request 161
2. Heather to make sure Niels and Ivan talk about 171
3. Scott has homework (?) re: 174
Next steps:
1. Governance
1. idpy developers to review IPR home matrix and make decision
2. Community outreach re: governance decisions/recommendations
3. CLA - text and signing
3. Technical architecture
1. Finish evaluating Satosa pull requests
2. Continue to develop additional, better tests
3. pyFF development (currently RA21 focused)