Notes: idpy dev meeting, 9 January 2018
Attendees 9 January
Heather, Ivan, Rainer, Scott, Roland, Einar, Ioannis, John, Johan,
Rainer, Leif, Benn
Action item:
- Heather to get links to the mailing lists for the different components
on the website
- Ivan to post a proposal to the idpy-discuss mailing list for
adding/removing projects from idpy
- Leif and Ioannis to work on slack channel ownership
- Heather to send Benn a list of people to add to the BlueJeans invitation
Agenda bash
1. Project introduction
- Policy stuff: How do we communicate? Where should issues be reported?
* idpy-discuss for general discussion; will send meeting information
to this list
* the other technical components also have their own lists (e.g.,
o pysaml
o pyoidc library is in a bit of a special place as Roland works
for Google on this library in the different languages. Roland
would like to retire the current pyoidc, which has implications
for other idpy projects like Satosa, that will need to be
updated to point to the newer libraries. Google will be at the
heart of maintaining the newer libraries going forward.
* Suggest consolidating slack spaces - Ioannis
- The community: Who is using our projects? How we communicate with
these entities? How can they get involved? What are their concerns?
- The competition: We offer a product, but there are other tools
that can satisfy one's requirements. What are we doing differently and why.
2. Project governance (Leif, Heather)
* Google has an opinion on governance. The problem is they want idpy
to handle all three libraries, not just the python library. This is
still under discussion. One suggestion is the OIF.
o Heather to talk to Adam Dawes @ Google to discuss what they
would like to see, what kind of stability do they need to find
an organization
* Everything will be in an open source license
* Who owns idpy? Who holds the copyright? What country is this based in?
* Currently looking at NLNet / Commons Conservancy and others as
possible hosts for the project, a neutral third party
* One possibility is to standardizing on the architecture (API spec),
but not the language
o Roland to discuss with OIF so we can have a cross-language API
for pyoidc
o This is independent of idpy governance
3. Project technical details
- Project goals and roadmap(s)
* the different projects have their own architects; there is no
overarching architect for idpy
o Discuss the dependencies in Vienna (1-2 hours)
o Are there missing parts/additions we could incorporate/develop?
This will come out of the discussion in Vienna as well
4. Review GitHub (does it have all the projects it's supposed to?) -
* It does not have everything; will aim for moving things after Vienna
* What is the consensus process for accepting new work into idpy?
o Proposal: someone other than the project maintainer proposes a
project to the list; we collect +1s and aim for rough consensus
+ taking something in means we are responsible for maintaining it
+ removing things from idpy means that no components we use
are impacted (this will take longer than taking things in)
+ Ivan to draft a proposal for the process and post to to the list
5. TIIME planning (Rainer, Heather)
Proto agenda:
* any open pull requests (see Rainer’s PR)
* release policies (will we have a regular release cadence?)
* refactoring (e.g., logging in Satosa)
* coding guidelines
* other items to be added as we build agenda on site
* Note that each project may need dedicated time
6. Administrivia
- call schedule and platform for 2018- future call
7. AOB
Agenda for next call: Brainstorm on requirements or goals for
documentation, versioning and release cycles, common coding guidelines