Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to another webinar offered by the Nordic Speech Research Forum. The webinar takes place on Fri, Oct 11 at 11:00 - 12:00 (Eastern European Summer Time EEST; UCT+3). Join the webinar at
Heritage Icelandic and North American English: Cross-linguistic influences in phonology
Associate Professor Christiane Ulbrich, University of Cologne
Professor Nicole Dehé, University of Konstanz
The Nordic Speech Research Forum is organized by the Speech and Speech Research Special Interest Group of the Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics (AFinLA<>) and the Nordic Network for L2 Pronunciation (NNL2P<>). The current coordinators are Riikka Ullakonoja (University of Jyväskylä and University of Turku) and Elina Vasu (Tampere University).
Please follow the forum’s website at for upcoming webinars. Under past events, you will now find Professor Jacques Koreman's presentation materials from our September webinar.
Best regards,
Riikka Ullakonoja & Elina Vasu
Elina Vasu (formerly Tergujeff)
PhD, University Lecturer in English Linguistics
Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Languages Unit
Tampere University
From: Elina Vasu (TAU)
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 2:48 PM
To: afinla(a); puhe-ja-puheentutkimus-afinla(a); langnet-kaikki(a); fonetiklistan(a); kielikampus(a) <kielikampus(a)>; jatkot(a) <jatkot(a)>; solki-jatkot(a) <solki-jatkot(a)>; kieliverkosto(a) <kieliverkosto(a)>; solki(a) <solki(a)>
Subject: Nordic Speech Research Forum is back!
Dear colleagues,
Apologies for possible cross-posting.
We would like to bring to your attention that the Nordic Speech Research Forum is back after a summer break.
The Nordic Speech Research Forum convenes online to hear about and discuss interesting ongoing work in the broad area of speech research. Invited speakers mainly represent Nordic scholars at different career stages. In 2024, we will convene on varying weekdays and times to test which meeting time would be optimal. The talks (30–40 mins) will be followed by discussion in a relaxed atmosphere.
On Tue, Sept 17, we have an opportunity to listen to Professor Jacques Koreman<> from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Professor Koreman’s talk is about online pronunciation learning. Please join us and feel free to spread the word!
What? Prof. Jacques Koreman’s talk: Developing L2 pronunciation skills: goals and hurdles for online learning + discussion.
When? Tue, Sept 17 at 16:00–17:00 Finnish time (UTC+3)
Where? Zoom:
Also, please save the dates for the upcoming talks this autumn and follow the forum’s website at for updates.
11.10.2024 at 11:00–12:00 Christiane Ulbrich, University of Cologne: Heritage Icelandic and North American English: Cross-linguistic influences in phonology.
11.11.2024 at 16:00–17:00 Sébastien Vandenitte, University of Jyväskylä: Setting Stories in Motion: Investigating the kinematics of Finnish Sign Language narratives with motion capture.
12.12.2024 at 14:00–15:00 Anna Persson, Stockholm University: Investigating the role of pre-linguistic formant normalization in vowel perception.
The Nordic Speech Research Forum is organized by the Speech and Speech Research Special Interest Group of the Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics (AFinLA<>) and the Nordic Network for L2 Pronunciation (NNL2P<>). The current coordinators are Riikka Ullakonoja (University of Jyväskylä and University of Turku) and Elina Vasu (Tampere University).
Hoping to meet you at the forum,
Riikka Ullakonoja & Elina Vasu
Elina Vasu (formerly Tergujeff)
PhD, University Lecturer in English Linguistics
Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Languages Unit
Tampere University
Hej alla (svenskspråkiga) kollegor inom fonetikvärlden!
Delta gärna i vår studie (se nedan) och sprid gärna till vänner och familj! Gärna snabbt; vi sitter på en större restpost biobiljetter som vi gärna vill bli av med 😉
(Detta är ett samarbete med Johan Frid och David House.)
Välkommen att delta i en språkvetenskaplig studie – enkelt via webben – och gå på bio (senast den 6 februari)!
Att delta i studien tar ca 30 minuter. Det går ut på att titta på ett par videoklipp och bedöma hur starkt orden som sägs är betonade.
OBS: Vi söker endast vuxna deltagare (minst 18 år) som har normal hörsel. Du behöver en dator med minst ”normalstor” skärm (inte mobil eller surfplatta) samt hörlurar för att kunna genomföra testet.
Följande länk innehåller förklaringar samt själva experimentet:
Som tack för ditt deltagande får du 1 biobiljett till Filmstaden (OBS: biljetten går ut den 6 februari).
Om du vill delta i studien är det bara att följa länken ovan. Men meddela oss via e-post (Gilbert.Ambrazaitis(a)<>) efteråt att du har deltagit och när du gjorde det (dag och ca klockslag för när du började), om du vill ha en biobiljett; så får du den skickad i form av en kod till din e-postadress.
Tack för din hjälp!
Gilbert Ambrazaitis
Docent i fonetik / Ass. Prof. of Phonetics
Linnaeus university Language processing lab
Inst för svenska språket / Dept of Swedish
Linnéuniversitet/ Linnaeus University
Dear all,
We just posted a Senior Lecturer position in Phonetics at Stockholm University if you’re interested. See
In addition, there is a Senior Lecturer in General Linguistics out now:
Don’t trust the Sollentuna kommun logo though.
Mattias Heldner
Mattias Heldner
Professor, Head of Department, Director of the Phonetics Laboratory
Department of Linguistics
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting address: Universitetsvägen 10C, room C265
Phone: +46 (0)8-16 19 88
E-mail: heldner(a)
Welcome to FONETIK 2025 – Växjö – May 21–23, 2025!
It’s about time, isn’t it?
Time, as we all know, is a central dimension in spoken language production and perception—and it is also crucial when planning a conference. After careful consideration, we are thrilled to announce the dates for FONETIK 2025: May 21–23, 2025.
This year’s conference will take place earlier than usual, and we hope the timing works well for everyone. So it is high time to announce FONETIK 2025!
It is also time to broaden the geographical scope of phonetic research in Sweden. We are excited to host FONETIK in one of Sweden’s most challenging cities to pronounce: Växjö!
Might it also be time to put Växjö on the phonetic map of Sweden?
At Linnaeus University, phonetic research is based in the Department of Swedish, primarily through LiLa Lab (the Linnaeus University Language Processing Lab), which was founded in 2019. As of late, a vibrant group of phoneticians has started toassemble here, and we are excited to welcome you into this fold.
We, the phoneticians at Linnaeus University, invite you to join us for the 35th annual FONETIK conference, which will be held at the university campus May 21–23, in a lunch-to-lunch format.
As in previous years, including last year’s event in Stockholm, FONETIK 2025 will be an in-person meeting only, with no hybrid option.
More information, including a conference website and link for (pre-)registration, will be available soon, so stay tuned!
Important dates (tentative):
* Pre-register for the conference: February 14, 2025 (Because our first love will always be phonetics)
* Final registration and submission deadline (abstract or 6-page paper): April 21, 2025 (Easter Monday)
Note: Pre-registration is a FONETIK tradition. Since the deadlines for registration and submission are usually later, optionalpre-registration allows us to estimate attendance early. If you’re likely to attend, with or without a contribution, please consider pre-registering.
We look forward to seeing you in May!
Gilbert Ambrazaitis, Sanna Kraft, Federica Raschellà, Nathan Young
(Preliminary Organizing Committee for FONETIK 2025)
Dear colleagues,
Apologies for possible cross-posting.
We would like to bring to your attention the launch of the Nordic Speech Research Forum, a new Nordic webinar series!
The Nordic Speech Research Forum convenes online to hear about and discuss interesting ongoing work in the broad area of speech research. Invited speakers mainly represent Nordic scholars at different career stages. In 2024, we will convene once a month on varying weekdays and times to test which meeting time would be optimal. The talks (30-40 mins) will be followed by free discussion in a relaxed atmosphere.
In the launch, we have an amazing opportunity to listen to Professor Kazuya Saito<>, University College London. Please join us and feel free to spread the word!
What? Prof. Kazuya Saito's talk: Having a good ear promotes second language speech learning: Roles of auditory processing at perceptual, cognitive & motoric levels + discussion.
When? Mon, Jan 22 at 13:00-14:00 Finnish time (UTC+2)
Where? Zoom:
Also, please save the dates for the upcoming talks this winter/spring and follow the forum's website at for updates.
16.2.2024 at 15:00-16:00 (UTC+2) Professor Ocke-Schwen Bohn<>: Learning new sounds: Only during a "critical period" or across the whole life span?
19.3.2024 at 13:00-14:00 (UTC+2) Doctoral Researcher Elina Lehtilä<>: Exploring multilingual speakers' fluency across Finnish, Swedish, and English: Perceived, cognitive, and utterance fluency perspectives.
19.4.2024 at 13:00-14:00 (UTC+3) Senior Lecturer Gilbert Ambrazaitis<>: Understanding the multimodal nature of prominence - On the coordination of gestures and pitch accents.
23.5.2024 at 10:00-11:00 (UTC+3) Postdoctoral Researcher Katja Haapanen<>: Speech production studies with multilingual Namibian speakers.
More webinars to be announced. Stay tuned for updates.
The Nordic Speech Research Forum is organized by the Speech and Speech Research Special Interest Group of the Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics (AFinLA<>) and the Nordic Network for L2 Pronunciation (NNL2P<>). The current coordinators are Riikka Ullakonoja and Elina Tergujeff from the JyU Speech Research Lab, University of Jyväskylä. For 2024, the forum has received funding from the Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics through its Speech and Speech Research Special Interest Group. Thank you AFinLA!
Hoping to meet you at the forum,
Riikka Ullakonoja & Elina Tergujeff
Tämä sähköpostiviesti voi sisältää lain tai sopimuksen nojalla salassa pidettävää tietoa. Jos et ole oikea vastaanottaja, ole hyvä ja ilmoita siitä lähettäjälle välittömästi ja poista viesti mahdollisine liitteineen järjestelmästäsi. Älä käytä viestin tietoja mihinkään tarkoitukseen tai paljasta niitä kenellekään. Kiitos yhteistyöstä.
This email may contain information which is confidential due to law or contract. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete it together with any attachments from your system without using or disclosing its contents for any purposes or to any other person. Thank you for your co-operation.
Invitation to participate in the experiment “Vad säger rösten om talaren? – Ett perceptionstest”
You are being invited to participate in an experiment, part of a study on how listeners perceive a character’s physical, social, and psychological features based on their vocal characteristics.
This is a listening experiment. To participate, you must be a native Swedish speaker, between 20 and 50 years old. The experiment is online, in Swedish, and takes around 20 minutes to complete. You will be asked to give some background information on yourself to help analyse the data we collect. That information will not be shared with outside parties, and all the data collected will be anonymized.
There is no compensation for participating in this study. However, your participation will be a valuable addition to our research on voice and its role in media and social interaction.
If you are interested in taking part in the experiment, you can access it at, where you will find additional information and instructions. Your participation is voluntary, and if you change your mind, you are free to quit the experiment at any point with no penalty.
You are also welcome to share the experiment with family, friends, and anyone you think would be interested in answering it.
If you have any questions, you can reach me at arcrochiquia(a)<>
Thank you!
Alice Crochiquia
doctorand at LAEL/PUC-SP,
Guest doctorand at the Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University
Julio Cesar Cavalcanti, MSc, Ph.D.
Nu är det hög tid att informera stort om Nordiska Dyslexikongressen 2024
vid Stockholms universitet, 22-24 augusti. Se bifogad flyer. Mer
Information finns på <>
Undervisar du, så var snäll och sprid till studenter. Lärarstudenter,
inklusive speciallärarstudenter och specialpedagogstudenter, doktorander
(oavsett disciplin) och post-doc kan söka stipendier för resa, logi och
konferenskostnad hos Svenska Dyslexistiftelsen. Om man går in
på <>kan man följa länk där
för vidare information. Stora utsikter att få medel.
Tack på förhand
Spånga Torgväg 4 163 51 SPÅNGA
Nu är det hög tid att informera stort om Nordiska Dyslexikongressen 2024
vid Stockholms universitet, 22-24 augusti. Se bifogad flyer. Mer
Information finns på <>
Undervisar du, så var snäll och sprid till studenter. Lärarstudenter,
inklusive speciallärarstudenter och specialpedagogstudenter, doktorander
(oavsett disciplin) och post-doc kan söka stipendier för resa, logi och
konferenskostnad hos Svenska Dyslexistiftelsen. Om man går in
på <>kan man följa länk där
för vidare information. Stora utsikter att få medel.
Tack på förhand
Spånga Torgväg 4 163 51 SPÅNGA
Welcome to Fonetik 2024
The phoneticians at Stockholm University invite you to the 34th edition of the annual phonetics conference Fonetik 2024. The conference will be held at Stockholm University Albano Campus June 3–5, 2024, and include a special seminar to celebrate the 90th birthday of Professor Björn Lindblom.
Fonetik 2024 will be an onsite meeting only, with absolutely no hybrid options. But please remember that Stockholm in early June can be very nice!
Pre-register today!<>
Check out the conference website
We look forward to seeing you in June
Mattias Heldner & colleagues
Themes and submissions
Fonetik 2024 welcomes submissions on any aspect of phonetics and speech science. Scientific areas include, but are not limited to: phonetics, phonology, linguistics, computational linguistics, speech and language pathology, voice research, music and singing, conversation analysis, psychology, cognitive science, speech and language technology, signal processing, machine learning... Submissions by junior researchers, bachelor or master students, and/or researchers that have not yet been introduced to the Fonetik meeting are strongly encouraged!
Seminar to celebrate Björn Lingblom's 90th birthday
As this iteration of the conference coincides with the 90th birthday of Professor emeritus Björn Lindblom, we will also organize a special afternoon seminar to celebrate! Björn is the former head of the Stockholm University Department of Linguistics and founder of the Phonetics Laboratory. He has served as tutor, colleague, advisor, and friend to generations of phonetics students. We encourage presenters to submit contributions toward this special seminar on themes pertinent to central themes of Björn’s research. These topics include speech production, coarticulation, phonological development, evolution of speech, phonetic systems, and phonological universals – and many others. These contributions will be included as part of the general conference proceedings.
Language for presentation
The contributions at Fonetik deal with Swedish, Nordic and other languages, and the meeting is often visited by researchers from neighbouring countries and occasionally by more long-distance participants. The language for presentations and plenary discussions has been English since the mid-10s, which provides better opportunities for both visitors and doctoral students from other language environments to participate.
Social events
Conference participants are invited to a reception on Monday evening, June 3rd, at the conference site, and to a dinner on Tuesday evening, close to the campus area.
Important dates
Preliminary registration: 9th February-15th March 2024<>
Paper Submission Deadline: 19th May 2024
Registration open: 16th March-19th May 2024