Dear all,
The organisers are pleased to announce that next year’s edition of the annual phonetics conference Fonetik 2024 will take place at Stockholm University. We kindly ask you to mark the dates June 3-5 2024 in your calendars. There will be more substantial information and important dates in due time.
However, we can already now announce that there will also be a Special seminar to commemorate Björn Lindblom’s 90th birthday in connection with Fonetik 2024, and that this event will be organised by Axel Ekström at KTH. The call for this event reads like this:
Special seminar to commemorate Björn Lindblom’s 90th birthday
The 35th iteration of the conference is organized at Stockholm University and coincides with the 90th birthday of Professor emeritus Björn Lindblom. Therefore, in addition to the traditional two-day lunch-to-lunch meeting, we will also be organizing a special afternoon seminar to celebrate.
Björn is the former head of the SU Department of Linguistics and founder of the Stockholm University Phonetics Laboratory. He has served as tutor, colleague, advisor, and friend to generations of phonetics students.
We encourage presenters to submit contributions toward this special seminar on themes pertinent to central themes of Björn’s research. These topics include speech production, coarticulation, phonological development, evolution of speech, phonetic systems, and phonological universals – and many others. These contributions will be included as part of the general conference proceedings.
Axel Ekström <axeleks(a)>
Best regards,
Mattias Heldner
Mattias Heldner
Professor, Head of Department, Director of the Phonetics Laboratory
Department of Linguistics
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting address: Universitetsvägen 10C, room C265
Phone: +46 (0)8-16 19 88
E-mail: heldner(a)
There is a new special issue in the journal Languages (with me as a guest editor) titled:
"Research on articulation and prosodic structure”
We are looking for new and creative ways to investigate articulation and prosody, with focus on the syllable. For more information please visit the website:
Submission is open - and if you’re interested - please submit an abstract by April 1, 2024.
Also, if you know of any researchers that might be working on relevant topics, please pass on the web page link.
All the best,
Malin Svensson Lundmark

Malin Svensson Lundmark
Ph.D. in Phonetics
Dear colleague,
On 12-13 October 2023, a new NNL2P conference will take place in Trondheim, Norway. You are most welcome to participate!
The NNL2P Conference brings together researchers and teachers in second and foreign language pronunciation. The Nordic Network for L2 Pronunciation (NNL2P) takes a special interest in studies of L2 pronunciation specific to Nordic languages as well as general L2 research topics exemplified with Nordic language materials. We also welcome other contributions that are relevant to the field.
The on-site, in-person conference provides an opportunity to meet other researchers and teachers in an informal setting. We particularly welcome submissions from early researchers. To stimulate discussion, we encourage poster presentations, but it is also possible to indicate a preference for oral presentation.
Invited speakers:
- Magdalena Wrembel (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland)
From a multilingual perspective: Cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of L3 phonetics and phonology
- Ari Huhta (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Fluency and pronunciation in language assessment: How do language testers define them and what do raters pay attention to?
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 August 2023
Please refer to the conference website<> for more information.
We hope to see you in Trondheim!
Jacques Koreman and co-organizers
P.S. Please feel free to pass this e-mail on to your direct colleagues if they are not on the NNL2P mailing list. But please do not distribute it to a wider audience to prevent double postings/spam.
Prof. Dr. Jacques Koreman
Professor of Phonetics
Dept. of Language and Literature (ISL)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
E-mail: jacques.koreman(a)<>
Kära kollegor,
Humlab vid Umeå universitet utlyser ett utrymme för postdoktoral forskning inom talteknologiska metoder för att stödja humanistisk forskning inom minoritetsspråken.
Arbetet ska kopplas till enhetens aktivitet inom Swe-Clarin, en nationell nod i europeiska CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure).…
Jag hoppas att ni har möjlighet att sprida denna information till lovande kandidater.
Med vänliga hälsningar,
Fredrik Karlsson
Kære fonetikere i Norden!
Jeg tillader mig på opfordring fra en kollega at sende information til jer om et kursus i retslingvistik (forensic linguistics) som jeg afholder for tredje gang i år på Copenhagen Summer University (en enhed under Københavns Universitet som udbyder korte efteruddannelseskurser). I år afholdes kurset d. 14.-16. august, og deltagelse koster 14.500 danske kroner.
Undervisningssproget er dansk, men jeg tilpasser naturligvis mit danske så det er til at følge med for nordiske kolleger. Sidste år deltog en gruppe svenske kolleger som gerne vil udbyde retslingvistik på deres hjemuniversitet, og det var en stor fornøjelse at have dem med! Derudover er der typisk deltagere fra dansk politi og lignende myndigheder.
Man kan læse mere om kurset her:…
Hvis I har nogen spørgsmål, må I endelig skrive til mig!
De bedste hilsner
Tanya Karoli Christensen
Københavns Universitet
Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab
Emil Holms Kanal 2, 22.3.25
2300 København S
TLF 35 32 84 93
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Sådan beskytter vi persondata<>
Jag skriver just nu min C-uppsats i nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet. Uppsatsen handlar om tonhöjdsförändringar vid dialektimitation, det vill säga hur den genomsnittliga grundtonsfrekvensen förändras när informanter härmar olika svenska dialekter. Mitt resultat visar att det finns en tydlig trend bland informanterna att, för vissa dialekter, höja rösten mycket och för andra endast höja rösten litet eller till och med sänka den. För min diskussion har jag varit på jakt efter information om hur det ser ut i de faktiska dialekterna för att kunna avgöra om det rör sig om imitation av ett verkligt fenomen eller endast stereotyper. Jag har fått höra av bland andra Anders Eriksson att Claes-Christian Elert skall ha skrivit om grundton i svenska dialekter men har inte kunnat hitta någon utgiven information om detta. Det var även Anders som hänvisade mig till den här mejlinglistan. Min fråga är därför om någon av er känner till någon tillgänglig källa som diskuterar detta ämne, till exempel någon utgivning av Elert. Vore oerhört tacksam om ni ville hänvisa mig till dessa genom att svara på detta mejl i så fall.
Vänligen, Ludvig Rødland
Student vid Institutionen för nordiska språk
Uppsala universitet
Dear phoneticians!
The Class for humanities and for outstanding services to science in collaboration with the Center for History of Science at The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences will host on the 25th May a Science History symposium to highlight the interdisciplinary character of Experimental Phonetics’ history.
The symposium will follow the humanist Armando de Lacerda’s (1902 – 1984) early work on Experimental Phonetics and the general scientific and cultural context in which it emerged, including Phonetics and Natural Sciences interactions from the late 1800s and up to about mid-1900s.
Further information on the symposium’s program and subsequent book release, please follow this link to The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences home-page<…>. The event is public and free of charge but registration is necessary so that the lecture hall capacity can be adequately adjusted to the expected number of participants.
We would appreciate if you could help spreading this information to students, as we hope the symposium may help promoting a fruitful (or at least interesting) interdisciplinary perspective among young students.
Vice Chair Class for humanities and for outstanding services to science
PS. No, Armando de Lacerda in not a relative of mine 😊DS
Francisco de Lacerda
Professor emeritus
Dept. of Linguistics
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm
Tel: +46-(0)8-16 23 41 (office) +46-(0)70-654 57 99 (mobile tel.)
Dear colleagues,
I regret to inform you that this year's Swedish Phonetics Meeting in Umeå has been canceled.
The decision was made due to sudden changes in the personal sphere.
The website will be taken down on Monday. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this cancellation has caused and hope that work put into a planned phonetics meeting submission may be disseminated elsewhere.
On behalf of the organizers,
Fredrik Karlsson
Dear all,
In one month, the first Neurolinguistics in Sweden conference will start, and we are all very excited! If you haven’t registered yet, and would like to attend, please do so before May 8th via the link below:
If you have already registered but did not receive a registration confirmation, we kindly ask you to register again. Should anything happen that makes you unable to attend the conference, please let us know as soon as possible. The preliminary program can be found here:
Looking forward to meeting you!
Best wishes,
The organising committee
Dear collegues,
We have had requests for an extension of the submission deadline, which we, of course, have worked towards accommodating. The new deadline is May 10th, and we hope that the extended time can also be used by authors that were able to meet the original date to do more analysis work, fine-tune the analyses, or have yet another colleague read the submission beforehand or any such activity, so that the extension may benefit all contributions someway.
It has also been brought to our attention that the submission form is not public yet. We apologize for this and will of course make the form available as soon as possible.
On behalf of the organizers,
Fredrik Karlsson