Dear all (apologies for cross-postings),
Are you on Twitter?
If you are, please contribute to our research. We study the concept of similarity on
Twitter and how similarity depends on the user profile, activity, and the structure of
one's social networks. This study is multidisciplinary between computer science and
the humanities.
If you have a Twitter account, we kindly ask you to go to the link below and participate
in this survey:<…
It only takes a few minutes! Your responses will be kept confidential. Each record will be
safely stored using an anonymous identifier to ensure that no personal details are
revealed or used in the analysis.
It is noteworthy that there are no correct answers in this survey, as we are only
collecting data anonymously for fundamental research purposes.
If you have questions, we're happy to answer them.
With best wishes,
Masoud Fatemi (PhD student) & Mikko Laitinen (Prof.)