Hello everybody,
As you may have guessed from the subject of this email, I have the pleasure
of presenting here djangosaml2, in anticipation of its migration to
Identity Python.
In CC Jozef Knaperek, former contributor of pysaml2 and person who from
2016 to date has maintained the fork of this project, now hosted in the
personal github, which today has a fair audience and satisfaction within
the Django community.
Here is:
As is evident, djangosaml2 is an application designed for Django Framework,
written above pysaml2 that presents closely related goals to this. This is
why we believe that bringing djangosaml2 to idpy can be quite natural, and
if we want it also advantageous, for the possibility of increasing its
Currently the project is published on Pypi and the version release policy,
and acceptance of contributions, depends on validating the code by running
unit tests (Tox over Github actions). The coverage of djangosaml2 is
currently less than 80% in the v0.40.1 but higher than 90% for the v1.0.0
version (see branch of the same name). The latter is in the process of
being released and it might be a good opportunity to release it directly
within idpy.
The versions from v0.19.0 to v1.0.0 were made possible by a great
enthusiasm, which arose within its community, manifested following the
first interactions for the requalification of the project, as regards the
feedback offered both in the issues and in the PR pending. Having given so
much trust activated several contributors in a relatively short time makes
us optimistic about the general resilience of the project, such as to think
about the good health of its community and not least the possibility that
this project could hopefully continue to live on external contributions
In any case, the people that are glad to present here djangosaml2, for whom
we undertake the commitment of a management over time, are Me and Knaperek.
I know that we have not written everything but rather we fear we have
written too much. We are available to answer in this thread on further
organizational and managerial aspects of the project.
Sure of your kind reply, we greet you
Dott. Giuseppe De Marco
University of Calabria
87036 Rende (CS) - Italy
Phone: +39 0984 496961
e-mail: giuseppe.demarco at unical.it
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