On 8 Jan 2019, at 15:45, Heather Flanagan
<hlflanagan at sphericalcowgroup.com> wrote:
Heather, Scott, Christos, Ivan, Roland, Johan
0. Agenda bash
Heather will send out a new invitation with updated BlueJeans information later today.
1. Project review
- Satosa (Satosa PRs -
Not a lot happened over the holidays. Ivan was working on items related to eduTEAMS
(common internal representations for back and front ends). He also fixed some tests; we
can now use the latest pytest.
Ivan archived the Satosa microservices repository; will move the issues to the main
Satosa repository. We will split out the microservices into their own repositories (one
for each microservice). This will allow for a package per microservice, each with its own
dependency. Ivan will send email how core API should work with the microservices.
Ivan will go ahead and cut a release now that the microservices are set, and then will
work on the PR related to eduTEAMS. One PR in particular relating to a discovery service;
not quite sure what to do about this one.
Roland would still like to see an OIDC front and back end. That is on the list; Ivan will
reach out to Roland when that work is started.
I’d like to see OIDC front and back ends based on the JWTConnect-Python/oidcendpoint
This would allow, among other things, us to start using the OIDC federation draft when we
want to.
— Roland
Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes, work never begun. -Christina
Rossetti, poet (5 Dec 1830-1894)