Hi guys,
Regarding pySAML2 I'd like to discuss about:
1. pySAML2 fails some security unit tests (
https://github.com/italia/spid-saml-check) in SPID federation context.
Excluding what's strictly linked to SPID, I saw that the followings could
expose some issues. Using a SatoSa proxy I got into backend these missing
a) issuer format, presence and consistence should be validated:
<saml:Issuer Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity">
b) Assertion Version: could be 4.1 as well, should be instead always 2.0
c) Assertion IssueInstant: should not be permitted a value in the
future, should not be permitted a value into the past
d) Subject NameId format: should be validated checking the permitted
values, at this moment could be whatever it be
e) ... other and details here, all the checks I done:
Regarding SATOSA I'd like to discuss about:
1. Session Storage (from cookie to multiple Storage Engines). I'd need to
play with it, I'd like to have a clue about this inner feature in relation
to the current dev roadmap
2. additional features: a Notification MicroService (ResponseMicroService)
that sends email, if email is in the available attributes, on each occurred
Authentication (yes it could be extended with telegram bot and others
Regarding oidcendpoint/JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP
1. Yes, it would be great to decouple oAuth2 libs as an independent
dependency (and we know that it will take time) and then have a oAuth2
toolkit ready to produce through this a Client and an AS. I already
proposed this in the last meeting but I know that unfortunately I don't
always express myself well. I have doubts :)
Regarding fedservice
1. It would be great to have a configuration example to start playing with
it. Using this application I'd create some use case also consulting the
opinions of service operators in IDEM GARR AAI
These are not priorities and you know this, it just need to take this notes
to reduce my words during meeting ;)
best regards
Il giorno sab 26 ott 2019 alle ore 01:30 Heather Flanagan <
hlflanagan at sphericalcowgroup.com> ha scritto:
Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Time: 06:00 PT | 09:00 ET | 13:00 UTC
*https://bluejeans.com/489221749 <https://bluejeans.com/489221749>*
0. Agenda bash
1. GitHub review
a. pySAML2 -
b. Satosa -
c. pyFF -
d. …
2. AOB
Thanks! Heather
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